Scientists Invent Special Sponge for Cleaning Oil Spills

Category: Science/Environment



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. absorb / æbˈsɔrb, -ˈzɔrb / (v) – to take in

    The soil absorbed the chemical from nearby factories.

  2. viscosity / vɪˈskɒs ɪ ti / (n) – thickness of a liquid

    Oil flows slowly because of its high viscosity.

  3. conduct / kənˈdʌkt / (v) – to let something flow

    Cooking pans are made of metal because metal conducts heat.

  4. repel / rɪˈpɛl / (v) – to make something move away

    Some plants can repel insects.

  5. marine / məˈrin / (adj) – relating to the sea

    She became interested in studying marine life at a young age.


Read the text below.

Scientists have invented a sponge that can absorb oil spills faster than other existing methods.

The special sponge was developed by a team of scientists led by Professor Shuhong Yu [shoo hong YE] from the University of Science and Technology of China. It is recognized as a breakthrough in oil spill research because it absorbs oil more efficiently than other materials.

Yu’s team developed the special sponge to reduce the time needed to clean up oil spills. According to Yu, the biggest problem about cleaning up oil spills is the high viscosity of crude oil. Because of oil’s thickness, it cannot be absorbed quickly by normal sponges. The invention of Yu’s team solves this problem by conducting heat that makes oil thinner and easier to absorb.

The sponge’s ability to conduct heat comes from a material called graphene / ˈɡræfin /. Known as an excellent heat conductor, graphene can also repel water, making it ideal for cleaning up oil spills. The scientists coated a normal sponge with graphene and used electricity to heat it up. The heated sponge was found to absorb crude oil a lot faster than normal sponges. The sponge can be used several times, and the oil it absorbs can also be recycled.

Because of its effectiveness against oil spills, the special sponge has a lot of benefits to people and the environment. Yu explains that by reducing the time needed to clean up oil spills, exposure to the oil’s poisonous gases will also be lessened. In addition, removing the spills more quickly will also lessen damage on marine life.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

• What are the dangers of letting oil spills stay long in the ocean?
• Who do you think has the greatest responsibility in cleaning oil spills?

Discussion B

• Why is it important to research on new methods of doing things?
• For what other environmental problems should new methods be introduced?