Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
- succumb / səˈkʌm / (v) – to surrender
Example:The patient refused to succumb to the disease, so he agreed to the treatment.
- complication / ˌkɒm plɪˈkeɪ ʃən / (n) – a negative effect of a disease
Example:The elderly man developed pneumonia as a complication of diabetes.
- arthropod / ˈɑr θrəˌpɒd / (n) – a small animal that does not have a backbone or spinal column
Example:Arthropod bites can be poisonous.
- cling / klɪŋ / (v) – to stick to a surface
Example:Bugs usually cling to the skin.
- in bad shape / ɪn bæd ʃeɪp / (idiom) – to be in a bad condition
Example:The woman was in bad shape after getting stung by a bee.
Read the text below.
An American woman has succumbed to the Bourbon virus, a rare tick-borne illness, and its complications.
While on an outdoor trip on Mothers’ Day, Tamela Wilson, a 58-year-old assistant superintendent at the Meramec State Park in Missouri, noticed two ticks—bloodsucking arthropods—clinging to her skin. Shortly after removing them from her body, she began feeling ill.
Wilson was initially diagnosed with Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Despite taking antibiotics, she remained in bad shape. As she continued to have headaches, rashes, and a low white blood cell count, she was admitted to the hospital. Although she first tested negative for tick-borne diseases, later examination at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) confirmed that she was infected by the Bourbon virus.
While fighting the disease, Wilson developed pneumonia and another fatal disease that affects immune cells. These complications led to her death.
Wilson was only the fifth confirmed case of the virus, and little is known about it. It was first discovered in 2014 after a farmer from Bourbon County in Kansas caught the disease and died. Cases of the virus are rare and have been detected in the Midwest and southern United States.
Other symptoms of the disease include fever, fatigue, and nausea. Although there is no known cure for the disease, research is being conducted to learn more about the virus. Nevertheless, doctors can manage the symptoms and take measures to boost patients’ chances of surviving the disease.
According to Wilson’s family, she donated her body as a way of helping medical researchers find a possible cure for the next Bourbon virus victim.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
• What incurable disease, like the Bourbon virus, would you like scientists to find a cure for?
• Like Tamela Wilson, would you be willing to donate your body for medical research? Why or why not?
Discussion B
• What activities could expose you to a variety of diseases?
• How can you protect yourself from diseases when doing these activities?