Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
- obstetrician / ˌɒb stɪˈtrɪʃ ən / (n) – a kind of doctor who cares for and helps pregnant women
Example:The pregnant woman regularly visits her obstetrician.
- overhear / ˌoʊ vərˈhɪər / (v) – to unintentionally hear other people’s conversation
Example:She overheard her friends talking about her.
- spring into action / sprɪŋ ˈɪn tu ˈæk ʃən / (idiom) – to suddenly begin to do something
Example:The police sprang into action after receiving the emergency call.
- distress / dɪˈstrɛs / (n) – pain
Example:The mother is worried to see her son in such distress.
- unconscious / ʌnˈkɒn ʃəs / (adj) – not awake
Example:She was unconscious throughout the surgery.
Read the text below.
A pregnant obstetrician delivered another woman’s baby before going into labor herself.
Dr. Amanda Hess was preparing to give birth at Frankfort Regional Hospital in Kentucky when she overheard the nurses talking about a patient having delivery complications. Dr. Hess immediately sprang into action and went to the patient’s room.
The patient is Leah Halliday Johnson, a woman Dr. Hess has previously examined. The on-call doctor was on the way back to attend to Johnson after a short break. However, Dr. Hess, a doctor in practice for seven years, knew that the baby had to be delivered immediately because it was already showing signs of distress.
Wearing only a hospital gown and boots, Dr. Hess delivered Johnson’s baby daughter. An hour later, Dr. Hess went back to her room and gave birth to her baby girl named Ellen Joyce.
Johnson did not know until after her delivery that Dr. Hess was about to go into labor herself. Nonetheless, she appreciated Dr. Hess’ quick action even when she was off duty, saying that the obstetrician is an amazing person, mother, and doctor.
Dr. Hess is one of the examples of doctors going beyond their regular work hours to help those in medical need. Living up to this is Dr. Gayatri Patankar, an anesthesiologist returning to India from a family vacation in Dubai. The Indian doctor immediately came to the aid of an unconscious man at the airport, giving him first aid to revive his heartbeat. After 15 minutes, the man came back to life and was sent to the hospital. Dr. Patankar emphasized the importance of being prepared for emergencies like this.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
• Do you approve of what Dr. Hess did? Why or why not?
• How can hospitals make sure of the safety of maternity wards?
Discussion B
• Would you like to have any form of medical training? Why or why not?
• How can the emergency responses be improved in your country?