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Mixing water with lithium / ˈlɪθ i əm / can reduce the risk of dementia, new study claims.
Lithium, a chemical element, is known to treat different medical conditions such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia /ˌskɪt səˈfri ni ə, -ˈfrin yə / because of its ability to protect brain cells from deterioration. Recently, a group of scientists from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark looked into the link between lithium in drinking water and dementia risks. The scientists examined lithium concentrations found in water samples drawn from 275 municipalities in Denmark.
The researchers observed that the level of lithium concentrations in water is inversely related to the risk of dementia. Dementia incidence grew by 22% among those who were exposed to only 5.1 to 10 micrograms of lithium per liter. On the other hand, the rate of dementia risk was reduced by 17% among those who drank water with 15.1 to 27 micrograms of lithium per liter. Lithium concentrations from 10.1 to 15 micrograms neither decreased nor increased risk of dementia.
This study corroborates previous research, which concluded that environmental lithium benefits patients with dementia. The lithium salts that were administered enhanced parts of the brain affected by Alzheimer’s disease, which is known to be the primary cause of dementia.
Although drinking lithium-infused water may help prevent dementia, the researchers do not advise adding lithium in one’s drinking water because further research and clinical trials are still needed. In addition, medical expert Brent Forester said that people should be wary of consuming lithium as it can cause kidney-related problems.