Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
- sibling / ˈsɪb lɪŋ / (n) – a brother or a sister
Example:I do not have any siblings to share my things with.
- reluctant / rɪˈlʌk tənt / (adj) – feeling unsure or having difficulty deciding
Example:Rulers must not be reluctant about decisions affecting the country.
- nausea / ˈnɔ zi ə / (n) – a sick feeling that makes you want to throw up
Example:She had an easy pregnancy and never experienced any nausea.
- succession / səkˈsɛʃ ən / (n) – the act of inheriting a title or position from someone who had it before
Example:There is a long line of succession to the British throne.
- take precedence over (someone or something) / teɪkˈprɛs ɪ dənsˈoʊ vər / (phrasal) – to be given higher importance or priority than someone or something
Example:In the order of succession for most royal families, men take precedence over women.
Read the text below.
Prince William and Kate Middleton, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge / ˈkeɪm brɪdʒ /, have released an official announcement that they are expecting a third baby.
The announcement was released after Kate cancelled a public engagement due to severe morning sickness, a condition that affects expecting mothers.
Reports say that it was Kate who was determined to have a third child because she is also one of three siblings. Meanwhile, William was more reluctant because of the Duchess’ past difficulties with pregnancy. Currently, Kate is experiencing attacks of severe nausea, which she also experienced while carrying her first child.
The new child will be fifth in line to the British throne regardless of its gender.
Prior to the birth of Prince George, Kate and William’s eldest, the rules of succession to the British throne had been changed. Under the old law, male children take precedence over their older sisters. However, with the new law, succession to the crown does not depend on gender anymore, but on age.
Currently, Prince William’s father Prince Charles goes first in the order of succession, followed by William himself. He is followed by his children—George, Charlotte, and the upcoming baby—in the order of their birth.
The birth of the first two royal children also became major public affairs. Kate gave birth to them at St. Mary’s Hospital, a private facility that specializes in complex pregnancies and deliveries. For their third baby, the Duchess is planning to give birth at home. However, during Kate’s previous pregnancies, she was advised by doctors that home birth was too risky for her. Official announcements about the final birth method have not yet been released.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
• Why do you think some people are interested in the lives of royal families? Speculate.
• In your opinion, is it important to be aware of the state of another country’s royal family? Why or why not?
Discussion B
• If you were a royal parent, how would you handle the media attention that your children receive? Discuss.
• How would you raise your child if you were part of a royal family? Discuss.