Fashion Photographers Unite for a Digital Protest

Category: Lifestyle/Entertainment



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. influencer / ˈɪn flu ən sər / (n) – someone who can affect how other people think or act, usually through media

    Fashion companies hire influencers to promote their brands on social media.

  2. document / dɒk yəˌmɛnt / (v) – to record something by taking photos and videos or by writing about it

    I asked my photographer friends to document my wedding.

  3. permission / pərˈmɪʃ ən / (n) – the ability to do something granted by someone with authority

    Photographers are not allowed to take pictures unless the event organizers give them permission.

  4. clarify / ˈklær əˌfaɪ / (v) – to make something clear by giving more details, information, etc.

    To avoid misunderstandings, the group clarified the reason behind the protests in a statement.

  5. exposure / ɪkˈspoʊ ʒər / (n) – the attention of people

    Aspiring singers gain exposure by posting their videos online.


Read the text below.

Street-style photographers have started a social media protest against bloggers and influencers who use their photos without proper compensation.

Street-style photography, which became popular in the 70s, documents the latest fashion trends. It is done by taking pictures of random people with stylish fashion in the streets.

In recent years, bloggers and influencers have often become subjects of street-style photography. They post their photos on their blogs and Instagram accounts to gain followers. However, street-style photographers have complained that their photos are also being used for marketing purposes without permission or proper payment.

Because of the unfair use of their photos, street-style photographers formed a group named “The Photographers.” As a protest, they displayed a statement in their Instagram bio, saying that their images should not be used without their permission and that they should be contacted regarding the images’ rights.

They also said that they will reach out to people who use their work without permission to warn them. If their warnings are ignored, they will comment with the hashtag #NoFreePhotos on blog and Instagram posts that use their work. They also said that they will take legal actions if necessary.

The group’s leader clarified that the movement only aims to raise awareness regarding their situation. It has gained reactions from bloggers and photographers, alike.

A famous fashion blogger defended influencers and models. He said that they are often asked to promote brands without being paid as well, making their situation similar to photographers. Meanwhile, a photographer said that even if bloggers and influencers rarely get paid, the situation still favors them because they gain followers and exposure, while photographers get none.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

• Do you think that using social media to protest would be enough for photographers to fight for their rights? Why or why not?
• Aside from doing an online protest, what else can photographers do to raise more awareness about the issue? Discuss.

Discussion B

• With good cameras becoming more accessible, do you think that anyone can be a photographer nowadays? Why or why not?
• Do you think that photography is a good career choice? Why or why not?