A Man’s Religious Practice Leads to An Eye Problem

Category: Health



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. impair / ɪmˈpɛər / (v) – to damage or weaken something

    After several years, radiation from the man’s computer impaired his vision.

  2. discrete / dɪˈskrit / (adj) – different and easy to separate from others

    The patch of skin where he got burned was discrete.

  3. chronic / ˈkrɒn ɪk / (adj) – persisting or happening repeatedly for a long time

    Chronic exposure to harmful chemicals can lead to several diseases.

  4. ailment / ˈeɪl mənt / (n) – a physical sickness

    You should ask the doctor for a cure for your ailment.

  5. intense / ɪnˈtɛns / (adj) – very strong

    Sunlight becomes very intense at noon.


Read the text below.

Doctors detected a yellow dot in both eyes of a 62-year-old man who has been looking directly at the sun for years.

As a religious practice, an unidentified man from New Delhi said that he stares at the sun every day for five to ten minutes soon after sunrise. He said that he has been practicing the ritual for the last 35 years. Doctors believe that this practice began from Hira Ratan Manek, a known advocate of the belief that sun-gazing has certain benefits.

After experiencing blurry vision for four months, the man sought medical help. Initially, doctors thought his condition was caused by hypertension, which may impair retinal blood vessels and lead to eyesight problems. Upon examination, however, the doctors discovered a discrete yellow dot in the inner part of the man’s eyes.

This dot is known to be a sign of solar retinopathy / ˌrɛt nˈɒp ə θi /, an eye condition caused by damage to the retina due to chronic sun exposure. The doctors were able to confirm the man’s condition when he told them about his daily ritual.

Meanwhile, another case of solar retinopathy was also found in a 12-year-old girl from Florida. The girl reportedly stared at the sun for only one minute. She complained of blurry vision the next day. After visiting an eye doctor, the doctors found her retina damaged.

There is still no cure for the ailment, but some cases improve within six months. While the condition is usually caused by the sun, it may also be caused by any source of intense light. As such, experts strongly advise against looking directly at welding torches and light from laser pointers.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

• Do you think the man should stop his religious practice after the doctors’ findings? Why or why not?
• What should doctors do when patients do not follow their medical advice due to personal beliefs?

Discussion B

• What are some unavoidable activities in everyday life that may harm one’s vision? Discuss.
• If avoiding these activities were impossible, what measures should people take to maintain a good eyesight? Discuss.