Company Creates Partly Recycled Jet Fuel

Category: Science/Environment



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. put to the test / pʊt tə ðə tɛst / (idiom) – to test the capabilities and limits of something

    The new electric car was put to the test when it was set to race against very fast fuel-powered cars.

  2. run on (something) / rʌn ɑːn / (phrasal) – to use something as a source of power

    Cars that run on solar power are more environment-friendly.

  3. slash / slæʃ / (v) – to take off a huge amount of something

    The recycling program effectively slashed the amount of trash that the city produces.

  4. cut down / kʌt daʊn / (phrasal) – to reduce

    The company wanted to cut down on its carbon emissions, so it decided to limit its consumption of electricity.

  5. fall through / fɑːl θruː / (phrasal) – to fail

    Their original plan fell through, so they had to come up with a new one.


Read the text below.

A fuel company has created partly recycled jet fuel to reduce carbon emissions.

LanzaTech, which began in New Zealand, developed the fuel in the United States. The product is a mixture of the regular fuel used by aircraft and ethanol from waste gases. It currently consists of only 5% recycled substances, but in time, the recycled portion of the product could be increased to as much as up to 50%.

The fuel was put to the test on a Virgin Atlantic airplane in October. The plane completed its flight from Orlando to London while running on the fuel, proving that the product works. LanzaTech is confident that the fuel could meet up to 20% of fuel demand in the aviation industry while slashing greenhouse gas emissions by 65% in the future.

Impressed by the fuel’s capability, Virgin Atlantic requested the UK government to support LanzaTech. In particular, the British airline called for funding for the three recycled fuel manufacturing plants that LanzaTech proposed to build in the United Kingdom by 2025. This project could produce up to 125 million gallons of the partly recycled fuel annually.

While revolutionary, LanzaTech was not the first to attempt creating recycled jet fuel. In 2017, British Airways had plans to open a recycled fuel manufacturing plant in Essex. Called the Green Sky Project, the plant would have converted more than 633,000 tons of waste into fuel.  Moreover, it would have been able to cut down carbon emissions equivalent to those released by 150,000 cars. However, the project fell through because it did not have government support.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

• Do you think LanzaTech should also offer the jet fuel to other airlines? Why or why not?
• Aside from planes, what other modes of transportation do you think should use recycled fuel? Explain.

Discussion B

• In your opinion, what are the most environment-friendly modes of transportation? What made you say so?
• How do you think your government can encourage the use of these modes of transportation?