Researchers Find Detailed Dinosaur Footprints in England

Category: Science/Environment



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. randomly / ˈrændəmli / (adv) – happening by chance or without being planned

    Dinosaur footprints were randomly discovered in my hometown.

  2. substantial / səbˈstænʃəl / (adj) – having a significant number or amount

    I have a substantial collection of dinosaur toys.

  3. uncover / ˌʌnˈkʌvɚ / (v) – to find something that is hidden

    After digging for some time, the researchers uncovered the fossils of an unknown species.

  4. surge / sɚʤ / (n) – a strong and sudden rise in level

    The surge of the ocean led to the destruction of beach houses.

  5. erode / ɪˈroʊd / (v) – to destroy by nature

    The continuous rain eroded the mountainside and led to landslides.


Read the text below.

Researchers discovered over 85 detailed dinosaur footprints preserved near an English town called Hastings / ˈheɪstɪŋz /.

The footprints were believed to have come from at least seven types of species that lived 100 to 145 million years ago. According to the researchers, the footprints range from under two centimeters to over 60 centimeters wide. What experts find even more astonishing is the well-preserved details of the fossils, like the skin texture and claw marks.

Hastings is well-known for its dinosaur fossils, which include the first fossilized brain tissue found in 2016. There have also been several dinosaur footprints randomly found along the area.

However, researchers only found small pieces of fossils in Hastings in the past. The small finds hardly gave them information about how the dinosaurs lived. Overall, the number and quality of fossils previously discovered were not as substantial, varied, and detailed as the recent discovery. 

For the researchers, the discovery of the recent fossils is a breakthrough in studying the life of dinosaurs. Experts hope to find out which species lived next to each other and how these animals shaped the landscape of their habitat.

Exposing the fossils was not an overnight phenomenon. It took four winters for them to be fully uncovered. During that time, storms and storm surges caused the soil in the area to erode and reveal the preserved remains.

Researchers are convinced that the cliff where the footprints were found still holds a lot of fossils that are significant to their study.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

• Do you think that the discovery of detailed dinosaur footprints is significant? Why or why not?
• After all the fossil discoveries in Hastings, do you think the area should be declared as a protected land? Explain.

Discussion B

• What would you do if you randomly discovered dinosaur fossils? Discuss.
• If you were to study dinosaur fossils, what would you focus on (e.g. how they shaped a town’s landscape)? Why?