Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
- rapidly / ˈræp ɪd li / (adv) – very fast
Example:The fire rapidly spread because of the strong wind.
- imbalance / ɪmˈbæl əns / (n) – a situation in which two things do not have equal amounts of something
Example:The school has a gender imbalance: 85% of its students are female and only 15% are male.
- at stake / ət steɪk / (idiom) – in danger or at great risk
Example:Doctors work so hard because people’s lives are at stake.
- recede / rɪˈsid / (v) – to decrease or become weaker
Example:The demand for oil is receding, so its price is also decreasing.
- devastating / ˈdɛv əˌsteɪ tɪŋ / (adj) – resulting in harm and damage
Example:The dry season had devastating effects on the crops.
Read the text below.
A study revealed that glaciers covering the Himalayan mountains in Asia are melting rapidly because of climate change.
Glaciers, or thick and large masses of ice, are formed from years of snowfall. Due to the rising global temperature, glaciers on the Himalayan mountains are melting faster than snowfall can sustain them. According to the author of the study, Hamish Pritchard, this imbalance resulted in the rapid shrinking of the glaciers.
About 221 million people depend on the Himalayan meltwater or melted ice, so a lot is at stake.
Since the glaciers are melting and shrinking rapidly, huge amounts of meltwater are being produced. Although it has helped in recent droughts, Pritchard warns that the Himalayan meltwater will decrease until it significantly diminishes by 2090. The large amounts of meltwater coming down from the mountains are also leading people to consume more water. This will eventually create a shock among the communities when the meltwater supply recedes.
The effects of the melting glaciers will be even more devastating as drought worsens. Pritchard predicts that crops and livestock will be affected and force people to fight over food or water supply.
Several organizations share the same concerns as Pritchard. Tianyi Luo [tee-en YEE luo] from the World Resources Institute is worried that food and energy demand and the growing population will further increase the need for water. An analyst at WaterAid also said that the effects of drought will be strongly felt by the regions with the poorest communities that have little to no access to clean water.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
• How can the communities relying on the Himalayan glaciers be prepared for the decrease of meltwater? Discuss.
• Do you think that the melting Himalayan glaciers should be considered a worldwide problem? Why or why not?
Discussion B
• When there is poor water supply, what should be prioritized first (e.g. people, livestock, plants)? Explain.
• Do you think your country is prepared in case it encounters poor water supply? Why or why not?