Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
- upscale / ˈʌpˈskeɪl / (adj) – describing something that caters to wealthy customers
Example:The company built an upscale store next to a luxurious residential area.
- thrive / θraɪv / (v) – to be healthy or successful
Example:Small local businesses will thrive if we favor them over larger stores.
- counterpart / ˈkaʊn tərˌpɑrt / (n) – someone or something having the same job or purpose as another person or thing
Example:The female dancers need to practice with their male counterparts.
- patron / ˈpeɪ trən / (n) – a person who supports a business (e.g. as a client, customer, etc.)
Example:The new restaurant is gaining a lot of patrons because of its delicious meals.
- distinct / dɪˈstɪŋkt / (adj) – describing something that has qualities that make it different or unique from others
Example:You can tell the drinks from each other through the distinct flavors and colors of each one.
Read the text below.
Upscale shopping centers in the United States are thriving, while their inexpensive counterparts suffer from store closures.
Shopping hubs housing expensive shops like Louis Vuitton and Gucci are seeing good business growth despite the difficulties caused by changing consumer shopping habits. Bloomberg explains that one reason for this is that most luxury brands have not moved to e-commerce yet. The high price of luxury products makes buyers reluctant to shell out money online, so going to malls is still preferable.
On the contrary, customers’ shift to online shopping is causing a decline in patrons of inexpensive malls. Mall foot traffic has started to drop since August 2018, according to analytics firm Thasos. In addition to this, research and advisory firm Coresight Research reported that 5,994 stores faced closure in 2019 partly because people now prefer online retailers.
The trend has caused American department store chains Macy’s and JCPenney, which usually occupy big spaces in shopping malls, to close some stores nationwide. In November last year, Sears, another department store giant, announced that it will also close some branches this February. These store closures hurt malls since they mostly depend on their tenants for profit.
As cheaper malls experience a downward trend, luxury malls are hoping that they will be able to sustain good business.
One of the luxurious malls thriving in the United States recently is Taubman Centers. The company’s chief operating officer, Bill Taubman, believes that being interesting and distinct is the key to success in the retail industry. To that end, the company makes sure that it customizes its malls to match each of its target market’s preferences.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
• Do you think there will come a time when affordable shopping malls will no longer exist? Why or why not?
• How do you think affordable shopping centers can increase their foot traffic again? Explain.
Discussion B
• Do you think it would be possible for a business to cater to all types of markets at the same time (i.e. from lower to upper class)? Why or why not?
• If you had a business, which market would you like to target (e.g. middle class)? Why?