News Mash-up: Celebrity Troubles

Category: Health



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. incurable / ɪnˈkyʊər ə bəl / (adj.) – can’t be treated

    He’s been suffering from an incurable disease. It will only get worse as years pass.

  2. debilitating / dɪˈbɪlɪˌteɪtɪŋ / (adj.) – causing someone to be physically or mentally weak

    My grandpa now uses a wheelchair because of his debilitating disease.

  3. chemotherapy / ˌki moʊˈθɛr ə pi / (n.) – a type of treatment that uses chemicals to control or manage a disease like cancer

    After several sessions of chemotherapy, Michael is finally cancer-free.

  4. inconsistent / ˌɪn kənˈsɪs tənt / (adj.) – having parts or qualities that change or don’t agree with each other

    We know he’s lying because the details in his story are very inconsistent.

  5. tough love / tʌf lʌv / (idiom) – love or care for someone shown by being strict in order to help him/her deal with problems or difficulties

    My mother gives me tough love. She doesn’t always let me do the things I want, but I know that she only wants the best for me.


Read the text below.

Actress Selma Blair’s struggles with MS depicted in new documentary

In October 2018, Selma Blair announced to her fans that she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, an incurable debilitating neurological condition in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves.

A new documentary, Introducing, Selma Blair, details the American actor’s journey with the condition and follows her as she undertakes stem cell treatment.

The film shows Blair at her rawest, depleted by chemotherapy and consumed by her condition. Director Rachel Fleit said the crew worked around Blair’s symptoms.

Blair had advice for people who have recently been diagnosed with the condition.

“Patience and try not to worry. This is your body giving you a gift sadly of telling you ‘slow down.’ ” (Reuters)

Paris Hilton pushes for federal law to regulate ‘troubled-teen’ industry in US

Celebrity Paris Hilton and activists who successfully pushed for reforms in the so-called troubled teen industry in Utah are now calling for federal legislation to regulate youth residential treatment centers in the U.S.

Hilton and the nonprofit Breaking Code Silence appeared outside the U.S. Capitol on Oct. 20, The Salt Lake Tribune reported.

“It’s clear that the state-by-state patchwork of limited, weak oversight and inconsistent licensing requirements is not working,” Hilton said.

The new proposal would create a bill of rights to protect kids who are in “tough love” facilities. Hilton and other critics say that children in such facilities are abused physically and emotionally. (AP)

These articles were provided by The Japan Times Alpha.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • The new documentary, Introducing, Selma Blair, details the American actor’s journey with the condition and follows her as she undertakes stem cell treatment. Why do you think Selma Blair decided to share her experiences with the public? Do you think doing a documentary is a good idea? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Blair advised people who have been diagnosed with the same condition to be patient, try not to worry, and “slow down.” What do you think is the meaning of “slow down” in Blair’s advice? When do you think it’s time to slow down? Why? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • Hilton and other activists are calling for federal legislation to regulate youth residential treatment centers in the US. In your opinion, what should youth residential treatment centers be like (ex. like a home, like a school)? Do you think your government has good initiatives for the youth? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Hilton and other critics say that children in “tough love” facilities are abused physically and emotionally. How should governments deal with facilities that are proven to abuse children (ex. permanently close these facilities, replace their administrators)? Why? Discuss.