Children in Nairobi learn coding for a tech future

Category: Technology/Innovations



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. code / koʊd / (v.) – to make a set of information into a set of letters, numbers, and symbols that a computer can understand

    He was coding a new computer program for five hours.

  2. robotics / roʊˈbɒt ɪks / (n.) – the science of how to design, make, and use robots

    He is learning robotics as part of his professional development plans.

  3. affordable / əˈfɔr də bəl / (adj.) – relating to products or services that someone can buy for a low price

    Big cities have few affordable apartments.

  4. spark / spɑrk / (v.) – to make something begin or occur

    The projects have sparked ideas to further help the community.

  5. imperative / ɪmˈpɛr ə tɪv / (adj.) – significant and essential

    When starting a business, it is imperative to have long-term and short-term goals.


Read the text below.

In the sprawling slums of Kibera, a computer programmer is equipping children from low-income backgrounds with technological skills.

29-year-old Renice Owino, is the founder of Code With Kids, a technology-based initiative that teaches children how to code and the concept of robotics.

The organization is dedicated to providing affordable STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education to children from low-income areas thus empowering the next generation of innovators by providing them with the necessary resources needed to excel.

The facility is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that includes laptops and robotic kits.

“Most kids programs in Nairobi go for approximately 5000 Kenyan shillings which is around $50. This is way out of the pocket for parents in Kibera. For us, Code With Kids, we bring the same program to the kids in Kibera at the affordable price of 50 Kenyan shillings per session. Parents are able to pay for this 50 Kenyan shillings without feeling a strain and the kids are able to learn. We at Code With Kids are giving these young learners a free kick to their future,” says Owino.

The project is partly funded by parents, and partly funded by charities. 

The initiative has sparked the interest of the participants and thus had a positive impact on participants as they have been able to develop new skills.

Many have completed innovative projects through the help of passionate educators who offer hands-on sessions and workshops that inspire creativity, collaboration and problem-solving.

The initiative began in 2015 with 10 children and has so far reached over 2,000 children through collaborations with schools in after-school programs and coding boot camps.

According to educational experts, many jobs will be carried out through technology in the future and it is thus imperative that children start learning the skills at a young age.

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • Code With Kids is an organization that provides affordable STEM education to children. Aside from STEM education, what other programs do you think should be made affordable to children from low-income backgrounds? Why? Discuss.
  • Why is it important to offer affordable education programs to children from low-income backgrounds? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • The initiative has sparked the interest of participants. Do you think the same initiative will be welcomed in your country? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Do you think children in your country are well-equipped with technological skills? What more do you think kids in your country should learn? Why? Discuss.