Lego head mugshots add to California’s debate on policing and privacy

Category: Top Stories



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. mugshot / ˈmʌɡ ʃɑːt / (n.) – a photo of a person's face, often taken by the police to keep a record after an arrest

    The police included mugshots of suspects in the investigation file to identify their appearance.

  2. transparency / trænsˈpɛər ən si / (n.) – the quality of being open and honest, with no secret or hidden information

    Transparency in government allows citizens to hold officials accountable for their actions.

  3. bolster / ˈboʊl stər / (v.) – to support or make something stronger and better

    Anna received additional training to bolster her communication skills.

  4. presumption / prɪˈzʌmp ʃən / (n.) – a belief that something is true without having definite proof

    Making a presumption about someone’s character can lead to misunderstandings.

  5. haunt / hɔnt / (v.) – to keep making someone worried, upset, or sad by coming back into his/her thoughts often

    The memories of his past mistakes haunt him, making it hard to stay positive and move forward.


Read the text below.

A Southern California police department has been handcuffed by Lego after the toy company asked the agency to stop adding Lego heads to cover the faces of suspects in images it shares on social media.

The Murrieta Police Department has been using Lego heads and emojis to cover people’s faces in posts on social sites since at least early 2023. But the altered photos went viral after the department posted a statement about its policy, prompting several news articles and, later, the request from Lego.

“Why the covered faces?” the department wrote on March 18 in an Instagram post that featured five people in a lineup, their faces covered by Lego heads with varying expressions. The post went on to reference a California law that took effect January 1, limiting departments from sharing mugshots on social media.

“The Murrieta Police Department prides itself in its transparency with the community, but also honors everyone’s rights and protections as afforded by law; even suspects,” the department wrote.

Across the U.S., law enforcement agencies have often posted galleries of photos for “Mugshot Mondays” and “Wanted Wednesdays” to social media in efforts to bolster community engagement. But experts increasingly point to the harmful effects of putting such images online. For people awaiting trial, mugshots can carry a presumption of guilt. And for anyone seeking to move past a criminal conviction, the images can make it hard to get a job and haunt them for the rest of their lives.

Murrieta police had an internal discussion about posting photos of arrestees in general and announced a new department policy on Instagram in January 2023. The community had requested more of their “Weekly Roundup” posts, so the department said it started using the Lego heads and emojis to comply with the law while still engaging with Murrieta residents.

But on March 19, the toy company reached out and “respectfully asked us to refrain from using their intellectual property in our social media content, which, of course, we understand and will comply with,” Lt. Jeremy Durrant said in a statement. “We are currently exploring other methods to continue publishing our content in a way that is engaging and interesting to our followers.”

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • Lego asked the Murrieta Police Department to stop using Lego heads to cover suspects’ faces in social media posts. Why do you think Lego did so (ex. because it might associate a negative image to Lego, because the agency could profit from it)? How do you think the use of Lego heads could affect the company? Discuss.
  • Why do you think the agency chose Lego heads to cover suspects’ faces (ex. because Lego is popular, it was a random choice)? Do you think that Lego’s request could negatively affect the agency’s initiative to engage with the community? Why or why not? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • Why do you think it is important for police departments to be transparent and engage with the community (ex. to promote accountability, to increase trust in the agency)? Discuss.
  • Why do you think initiatives like “Mugshot Mondays” and “Wanted Wednesdays” were effective in bolstering community engagement (ex. because it’s fun, because it’s interesting)? Do you think Murrieta Police Department should continue this or should they find better alternatives without resorting to posting images of suspects? Why? Discuss.