AT&T says a data breach leaked millions of customers’ information online. Were you affected?

Category: Technology/Innovations



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. data breach / ˈdeɪ tə britʃ / (n.) – a situation in which private information can be seen or accessed by people illegally

    Sharing your password with others can lead to a data breach.

  2. passcode / ˈpæsˌkoʊd / (n.) – a secret series of characters, typically used to gain access to a computer system, mobile device, or online account

    Users are advised to create strong and unique passcodes to enhance the security of their accounts.

  3. surface / ˈsɜr fɪs / (v.) – to appear or become known, especially after being hidden or not easily noticed

    The truth about the accident only surfaced after a thorough investigation by authorities.

  4. resemble / rɪˈzɛm bəl / (v.) – to look like something or have a similar appearance as something else

    This building design resembles the architecture commonly found in ancient Greece.

  5. suspicious / səˈspɪʃ əs / (adj.) – causing doubt or a feeling that something is wrong

    The email requesting personal information seemed suspicious, so I did not respond to it.


Read the text below.

The theft of sensitive information belonging to millions of AT&T’s current and former customers has been recently discovered online, the telecommunications giant said in March.

In a March 30 announcement addressing the data breach, AT&T said that a dataset found on the “dark web” contains information including some Social Security numbers and passcodes for about 7.6 million current account holders and 65.4 million former account holders.

Whether the data “originated from AT&T or one of its vendors” is still unknown, the Dallas-based company noted—adding that it had launched an investigation into the incident. AT&T has also begun notifying customers whose personal information was compromised.

Consumers impacted by this breach should be receiving an email or letter directly from AT&T about the incident. The email notices began going out on March 30, an AT&T spokesperson confirmed to The Associated Press.

Beyond these notifications, AT&T said that it had already reset the passcodes of current users. The company added that it would pay for credit monitoring services where applicable. AT&T also said that it “launched a robust investigation” with internal and external cybersecurity experts to investigate the situation further. AT&T has seen several data breaches that range in size and impact over the years.

While the company says the data in this latest breach surfaced on a hacking forum several weeks ago, it closely resembles a similar breach that surfaced in 2021 but which AT&T never acknowledged, cybersecurity researcher Troy Hunt told the AP.

Avoiding data breaches entirely can be tricky in our ever-digitized world, but consumers can take some steps to help protect themselves going forward.

The basics include creating hard-to-guess passwords and using multifactor authentication when possible. If you receive a notice about a breach, it’s a good idea to change your password and monitor account activity for any suspicious transactions. You’ll also want to visit a company’s official website for reliable contact information—as scammers sometimes try to take advantage of news like data breaches to gain your trust through look-alike phishing emails or phone calls.

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • How do you feel about the increasing frequency of data breaches affecting major corporations like AT&T (ex. it’s deeply concerning, it’s frustrating)? Why? What impact do you think it has on customer trust? Discuss.
  • As a consumer, how confident are you in the security measures and protection of your personal data provided by your telecommunications provider? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • In your opinion, why do data breaches continue to occur despite the availability of preventative measures? What do you think are the challenges or obstacles preventing companies from effectively avoiding these breaches (ex. the evolving nature of cyber threats, lack of awareness)? Discuss.
  • What do you think are some effective ways for individuals to prevent personal data breaches (ex. strong passwords, secure Wi-Fi networks)? Is data breach a significant issue in your country? What makes you say so? Discuss.