Surging auto insurance rates squeeze drivers

Category: Business


Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. relentlessly / rɪˈlɛnt lɪs li / (adv.) – in a way that is continuing without stopping

    Despite facing numerous obstacles, she pursued her goals relentlessly until she succeeded.

  2. squeeze / skwiz / (v.) – to cause financial problems for someone or something

    The new business tax is squeezing many local shops, causing a decrease in their profit.

  3. stoke / stoʊk / (v.) – to make something stronger or more intense

    The coach delivered an inspiring speech to the team, stoking their determination to win the championship.

  4. sticking point / ˈstɪk ɪŋ ˌpɔɪnt / (n.) – a problem or issue that makes it difficult to move forward or reach an agreement

    The rising health insurance costs have become a sticking point for families trying to manage their budgets.

  5. rein (something) back / reɪn bæk / (phrasal v.) – to control, limit, or reduce something

    Families had to rein their expenses back to survive the current economic challenges.


Read the text below.

Relentlessly rising auto insurance rates are squeezing car owners and stoking inflation.

Auto insurance rates rose 2.6% in March and are up 22% from a year ago. Premium costs have been marching steadily higher since 2022, even as inflation at the consumer level steadily cooled from its 9.1% peak in the middle of that year. Consumers have had some relief as the rate of cost increases for food and energy, two key components of most budgets, has eased greatly.

But auto insurance and car ownership costs have become a sticking point for consumers and the Federal Reserve in its battle to rein inflation back to its goal of 2%.

Typically, individuals would see a noticeable increase in their premiums because of speeding tickets and other moving violations. Adding new drivers or a general increase in claims in the area were other reasons.

But the persistent rise in rates over the last two years has been far more sweeping. New vehicle prices started spiking during the pandemic, mainly because of a worldwide shortage of computer chips amid production cuts and supply chain bottlenecks. Dealers spent much of 2021 with few or no cars in stock.

Car price increases eased heading into 2024, with the average at $47,338 in January, down from a peak of $48,516 in late 2022, according to

The higher value for cars, along with more advanced technology and intricate parts, has raised the overall cost of repairs. Overall maintenance and repair costs jumped 8.2% in March from a year ago, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s eased a bit over the last year. The rate of increase was as high as 14.2% in early 2023.

Higher overall auto prices and auto repair costs prompted insurers to start raising premiums as overall car values jumped. Price increases for insurance rates, like many other increases from food to clothing, have been sticky and are less likely to drop at the same rate as broader inflation, if at all.

That has been beneficial for insurers who have seen profits surge. Wall Street is expecting bigger leaps in 2024.

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • Considering the spike in car prices and repair costs, do you think it’s fair for insurers to raise premiums to keep up with the overall increase in car values? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • How do you think the increasing insurance rates will affect the car insurance industry in the long run (ex. it will ease inflation, premiums will not be affordable anymore)? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • Do you think it is completely necessary for car owners to have auto insurance? Why or why not? Do you think auto insurance is still worth it even with the steadily increasing premium? Why do you say so? Discuss.
  • In your opinion, is this a good time to own a car? Why do you say so? Personally, do you think a car is a necessity? Why or why not? Discuss.