Expect the cost of your airfare to continue to rise, an aviation trade group and industry heads warn

Category: Business


Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. long-haul / ˈlɔŋˈhɔl / (adj.) – traveling over long distances

    Small airplanes usually don’t do long-haul flights.

  2. grounding / ˈgraʊn dɪŋ / (n.) – the action of officially preventing an aircraft from flying, usually because of safety reasons

    The grounding of all flights was necessary because of the storm.

  3. absorb / æbˈsɔrb / (v.) – (in business) to pay for the cost of something

    The restaurant chain chose to absorb the additional charges for premium ingredients rather than raising menu prices.

  4. driver / ˈdraɪ vər / (n.) – something that influences another thing

    Tourism is the main driver behind the economic growth of many island nations in the Pacific.

  5. surpass / sərˈpæs / (v.) – to do or be better than someone/something

    The band is surpassing all previous records with the popularity of their latest album.


Read the text below.

The cost of your next flight is likely to go up. That’s the word from the International Air Transport Association, which held its annual meeting in Dubai, home to the long-haul carrier Emirates.

While carriers recover from the grounding worldwide from the coronavirus pandemic, industry leaders told journalists that there are several costs likely to push those ticket prices ever higher.

Part of that comes from worldwide inflation, an ongoing problem since the pandemic started. Jet fuel costs, roughly a third of all airline expenses, remain high. Meanwhile, a global push for the aviation industry to decarbonize has more carriers fighting for the little amount of so-called sustainable aviation fuel, or SAF, available in the market.

“The airlines will continue to do everything they can to keep costs in control as much as possible for the benefit of consumers,” said Willie Walsh, the director-general of the International Air Transport Association, an industry trade group. “But I think it’s unrealistic to expect that airlines can continue to absorb all of the costs. … It’s not something we like to do, but it’s something we have to do.”

Also pressuring the industry is a pandemic hangover in aircraft production as well, they say. Carriers now keep older planes that burn more fuel flying longer. There also aren’t enough new aircraft to expand routes and increase supply to bring down overall prices.

That warning comes as the IATA estimates globally, airline revenue will reach nearly $1 trillion in 2024, a record high. There will be 4.96 billion travelers on airplanes this year, with total expenses for carriers reaching $936 billion—another record high. But industry profits also are expected to be nearly $60 billion this year.

In particular, Emirates, a main driver for Dubai’s economy, saw record profits of $4.7 billion in 2023 off revenues of $33 billion.

The Emirates’ results track with those for its base, Dubai International Airport. The world’s busiest airport for international travelers had 86.9 million passengers last year, surpassing numbers for 2019 just before the coronavirus pandemic grounded global aviation.

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • In your opinion, how might the increase in ticket prices impact consumer behavior when it comes to air travel (ex. shift to alternatives, delayed travel plans)? Discuss.
  • How have your travel plans changed before and after the pandemic? What factors do you think affected the change in your travel plans (ex. travel restrictions, financial considerations)? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • What companies do you think are the main drivers of your country’s economy? Do you purchase products or services from these companies? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • What services have gone up in your country after the pandemic (ex. healthcare services, personal care services)? Do you still avail of such services? Why or why not? Discuss.