Ford refurbishes old train station, a former eyesore that had become a symbol of Detroit’s decline

Category: Business


Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. monolithic / ˌmɒn əˈlɪθ ɪk / (adj.) – large, powerful, and difficult to change or break down

    The Great Wall of China is a monolithic structure, stretching thousands of miles across the landscape.

  2. ominously / ˈɒm ə nəs li / (adv.) – in a way that suggests something bad might happen

    Dark clouds gathered ominously in the sky, signaling an approaching storm.

  3. heyday / ˈheɪˌdeɪ / (n.) – the period of greatest success, popularity, or power

    The heyday of drive-in theaters in the United States was in the 1950s and 1960s, when they were a popular form of entertainment for families and teenagers.

  4. abandonment / əˈbæn dən mənt / (n.) – the act of leaving someone/something entirely, usually without intending to return

    The abandonment of the old factory led to its eventual collapse.

  5. materialize / məˈtɪər i əˌlaɪz / (v.) – to happen or become real

    Vanessa’s dream of starting her own business finally materialized after years of hard work and dedication.


Read the text below.

The once-blighted, monolithic Michigan Central train station was for decades a symbol of Detroit’s decline. It now has new life following a massive six-year, multimillion-dollar renovation to create a hub for mobility projects in the rebirth of the Motor City.

The windowless, hulking, scavenger-ravaged structure that ominously shadowed the city’s Corktown neighborhood now is home to Ford Motor Company and the centerpiece of a sprawling 30-acre (12-hectare) mobility innovation district.

The building’s first tenant, Google’s Code Next Detroit computer science education program, was expected to move in by late June. Grand opening ceremonies included an outdoor concert on June 6, with tours for the public that started on June 7.

“It really represented kind of the best physical symbol of that decay,” Ford CEO Jim Farley said. “And here we are in a completely beautiful, breathtaking facility like Detroit was in the ‘20s. But here we are almost 100 years later.”

The restoration effort is part of the automaker’s more than $900 million project to create a place where new transportation and mobility ideas are nurtured and developed.

The train station’s history reflects the city’s fortunes during its heyday as the world’s car capital and later misfortunes as thousands of auto workers and other residents fled Detroit for life in the suburbs.

The depot opened in late 1913. But as traveling by train gave way to commuter air travel and as more Americans chose to use the nation’s interstates, the numbers of people coming through Michigan Central steadily dropped. The last train pulled out in 1988 and for years after the building fell into disrepair, neglect, and abandonment. It became a destination for the curious and urban adventurers. Other buildings in Detroit suffered the same or a similar fate, but due to Michigan Central’s size, it became a symbol of the city’s decline.

Redevelopment by its former owner never materialized. Then, in 2018, Ford announced it was buying the 18-story building and adjacent structures as part of its plans for a more than 1 million-square-foot campus focusing on autonomous vehicles.

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • In your opinion, how might the presence of Ford and Google in the Michigan Central station influence the local community and economy? Discuss.
  • Do you think the transformation of the Michigan Central train station will mark the city’s revival? Why or why not? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • What do you think are the advantages of repurposing historical landmarks for modern innovation and development? Discuss.
  • Do you think the restoration of iconic buildings can change public perception and pride in a city? Why or why not? Discuss.