Midwest sees surge in calls to poison control centers amid bumper crop of wild mushrooms

Category: Top Stories


Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. bumper / ˈbʌm pər / (adj.) – unusually large amount of something

    Despite the intense heat, the farmers celebrated a bumper harvest of rice this year.

  2. forager / ˈfɔr ɪ dʒər / (n.) – a person who searches for food or supplies in different places, especially in the wild

    Experienced foragers can immediately tell if a plant is poisonous or not.

  3. pinpoint / ˈpɪnˌpɔɪnt / (v.) – to find or show the exact position of something during a specific time

    They used advanced technology to pinpoint the location of the lost hiker.

  4. untrained / ʌnˈtreɪnd / (adj.) – without formal instruction, skills, or experience for a particular job or task

    The untrained staff takes longer to finish his tasks compared to the senior staff.

  5. edible / ˈɛd ə bəl / (adj.) – safe to eat

    Before eating the wild berries, the child asked his mother if they were edible.


Read the text below.

The warm, soggy summer across much of the Midwest has produced a bumper crop of wild mushrooms—and a surge in calls to poison control centers.

At the Minnesota Regional Poison Center, calls from April through July more than tripled over the same period last year, said Samantha Lee, the center’s director. “The center took 90 calls for potential exposures over that period, compared to 26 calls for the same months in 2023. Exposures include people who have had actual or suspected contact with potentially poisonous mushrooms and who may or may not develop symptoms,” she said.

The cases can include kids who didn’t know what they were doing and foragers who make mistakes, she said. But those numbers don’t include people who are merely curious about whether the mushrooms popping out of their yards are good to eat.

“Fortunately, the majority of the time these tend to be mild symptoms,” Lee said. “A lot of these are mushrooms that were in the yard or nearby parks. Many of these cause upset stomachs, vomiting and diarrhea, but every year we do get some cases with serious outcomes.”

The situation appears to be similar throughout wetter areas of the country this spring and summer. Kait Brown, clinical managing director of America’s Poison Centers, said calls were up 26% across all states and territories for April through June.

“There are probably a couple areas in the country that are experiencing large case volumes that could be related to different weather patterns,” Brown said. However, she said her office doesn’t have state-by-state data to pinpoint exactly where.

The Minnesota Poison Center issued a warning last July that wild mushrooms can be hard for untrained people to identify. Common ones that typically cause milder symptoms include the little brown mushrooms that grow in yards and the small white mushrooms that can form “fairy rings,” Brown said. But some deadly species also grow in the area, including one popularly known as the “death angel” or “destroying angel.” They can cause liver failure.

Foraging for edible wild mushrooms has become increasingly popular in recent years, even before the pandemic, said Peter Martignacco, president of the Minnesota Mycological Society.

This article was provided by The Associated Press. 

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • According to the article, foraging for edible wild mushrooms has become increasingly popular in recent years. Do you think foraging could be a good way to increase the natural foods included in your diet? Why or why not? If given the chance, would you like to try foraging? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Do you think foraging for wild mushrooms is worth the risk, given the potential for poisoning? Why or why not? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • Some of the mushroom poisoning cases involved kids who didn’t know that some of the mushrooms they touched were actually poisonous. How do you think parents can teach their kids about the dangers of wild mushrooms or plants? What’s the importance of teaching children about wild plants? Are wild plants taught in schools in your country? Discuss.
  • As a child, did you ever eat something you shouldn’t have? What happened? Why do you think kids eat things even if they aren’t sure it’s safe (ex. curious about their environment, no adults watching them)? Discuss.