They expected an Olympic boon, but some Paris businesses experienced an Olympic tourism bust

Category: Business


Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. medieval / ˌmi diˈi vəl / (adj.) – relating to the Middle Ages, a period in European history from about the 5th to the late 15th century

    They visited a medieval castle on their vacation, exploring the ancient halls and imagining life in the Middle Ages.

  2. markedly / ˈmɑr kɪd li / (adv.) – in a way that is very clear and easy to notice

    My new phone model is markedly faster than my old one.

  3. pine for (something) / paɪn fər / (phrasal v.) – to want or miss something very much

    She was pining for her old job after she left the company, remembering how much she enjoyed working there.

  4. chilling effect / ˈtʃɪl ɪŋ ɪˈfɛkt / (n.) – an undesirable and discouraging result of something, such as a law, rule, or action

    The new rules had a chilling effect on students’ willingness to speak freely in class.

  5. slump / slʌmp / (n.) – a period when an economy or an industry is not doing well

    During the economic slump, many businesses struggled to stay open because customers were spending less money.


Read the text below.

On a typical summer day, tourists flock to the historic Marais district of Paris, wandering through charming medieval lanes dotted with ultra-chic boutiques, gazing at stunning private mansions and the elegant 17th-century Place des Vosges, and filling humming eateries and bars.

But this summer was hardly typical, and those streets, shops, and cafes were markedly emptier in the days leading up to the Paris Olympics—leaving businesses like Stolly’s Stone Bar, a pub catering to the Anglophone community, pining for summers past.

Some attributed the light crowds to multiple factors, but first and foremost the chilling effect from tough security measures that restricted movement in the French capital, with tourists encountering metal fences, police checkpoints, and requests for a special QR code they may have neglected to obtain—a digital pass required to access certain areas of central Paris before the opening ceremony.

It certainly hurt the business hopes of Jean-Pierre Salson, who owns Factory’s, a shop on Rue Sainte-Croix de la Bretonnerie in the Marais that specializes in menswear. Salson estimated business was down 30 percent since last year, and even more—40 percent—among his American customers.

“I think they are avoiding France and Paris because they are afraid of the Olympics,” he said. Especially, he said, because of traffic. “There are restricted areas you can’t get to by car. So you need to walk, some subway stations are closed—it’s difficult to get especially in the center of Paris.”

Analysts say the high costs of travel to Paris this Olympic season—and staying there—meant some planes landed with empty seats and hotels were not as booked as they normally would be in the summer high season.

Olivier Ponti, vice president of insights at ForwardKeys, a travel data company with access to airline industry ticketing data, said arrivals to Paris in the three weeks before the Games were down 13% from a year earlier. He called it a “slump” because “people who would traditionally visit the French capital have decided to stay away.”

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • What do you think are the pros and cons of hosting an Olympics (ex. pro: increased tourism, con: high expenses for the country)? Generally, do you think that it benefits the host country? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • The drop in tourism was due to tough security measures in Paris, including metal fences, police checkpoints, and a required special QR code. Do you think these kinds of strict security measures are necessary for large events like the Olympics? Why or why not? Do you believe this should be the government’s priority over tourism? Why? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • Jean-Pierre Salson thinks tourists avoided Paris because they were scared of the Olympics, especially its effects on traffic. As a tourist, how important is easy access to transportation for you? What challenges could you face when transportation becomes inaccessible? Discuss.
  • Given the chance, would you have gone to Paris to watch the Olympics? Why or why not? What factors do you think can influence tourists to avoid a popular destination (ex. the number of people visiting the place, the cost)? Discuss.