The soft and stretchable ‘jelly batteries’ that could be implanted in humans to treat health conditions

Category: Technology/Innovations



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. stretchable / ˈstrɛtʃ ə bəl / (adj.) – describing something that can be pulled to make it longer or wider without breaking

    My gloves are made of stretchable material, so they fit perfectly on my hands without being too tight.

  2. squash / skwɒʃ / (v.) – to press something down or squeeze it so that it becomes flat or smaller

    The kids like to squash the clay flat before rolling it into balls.

  3. demonstration / ˌdɛm ənˈstreɪ ʃən / (n.) – an act of showing or proving how something works

    The athlete’s performance was a demonstration of her skill and training, as she won the gold medal in the competition.

  4. implant / ɪmˈplænt / (v.) – (in medicine) to put something, such as an organ or a device, inside the body

    The doctor will implant a small device in the patient’s knee to help it heal after the surgery.

  5. game-changing / ˈɡeɪm tʃeɪn dʒɪŋ / (adj.) – describing something that makes a big difference and changes the way things are usually done

    The discovery of a new treatment for the disease is considered game-changing because it offers hope for a cure.


Read the text below.

Soft and stretchable jelly-like strips could be the key to providing electric power on and even inside human bodies. Scientists at the University of Cambridge say the stretchability of their newly developed ‘jelly battery’ could be used in implants in our bodies where it was previously impossible.

Stephen O’Neil, a PhD researcher at the University of Cambridge who worked on the study demonstrates: “This is an example of one of the pieces of gel that we use to make up the battery. As you can see it’s very soft and stretchable just like jelly really, and with about five of these stuck together we can make the hydrogel power source.”

Each battery consists of a three-dimensional network of polymers containing over 60% of water. As well as being stretchy, the hydrogels can be squashed without permanently losing their original shape and can heal themselves when damaged, making them ideal for implanting inside the body.

The stretchability of this battery allows it to be usable in contexts not possible with other types of hydrogel batteries.

Demonstration of stretchability means that if you were to put them on to your skin and wear them as a wearable, you could have flex of your skin, of your muscles, and it wouldn’t change the performance of the device itself,” says Jade McCune, PhD researcher at the University of Cambridge.

The researchers are planning future experiments to test the hydrogels inside real living organisms before they can be considered for medical applications.

“The ultimate goal is for us to implant these power sources inside someone’s body and then they can last over several days or weeks outputting power to power these devices which can either continuously record or continuously act as therapy for example for things like deep brain stimulation for trying to cure diseases like Parkinson’s,” O’Neil says.

These batteries may be a long way off from being used on or inside human bodies, but the researchers here at the University of Cambridge say the scope of their potential could be game-changing for medical science.

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • The newly developed jelly battery has advanced features that are ideal for implanting inside the body. How do you feel about the idea of using jelly batteries in medical implants? Would you feel comfortable with such technology in your body? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • If a loved one needed treatment, would you encourage them to try a new technology like the jelly battery, or stick with traditional methods? Why? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • Jelly batteries may be a long way off from being used on or inside human bodies, but researchers say their potential could be game-changing for medical science. How do you feel about the idea of waiting for new medical technologies like jelly batteries to be ready? In your opinion, is patience important in healthcare? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Researchers are planning future experiments to test the hydrogels further before they can be considered for medical applications. What information would make you feel more comfortable about new medical technologies? How do you think scientists can gain public trust when introducing new medical technologies? Discuss.