Turning the tide on plastic waste: Kenya’s Lamu Islanders upcycled washed up litter into boats

Category: Science/Environment



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. mound / maʊnd / (n.) – a large pile of something

    The garbage truck collects mounds of garbage every week.

  2. archipelago / ˌɑr kəˈpɛl əˌgoʊ / (n.) – a group of small islands

    The Philippines is an archipelago known for its beautiful beaches and islands.

  3. upcycle / ˈʌpˌsaɪ kəl / (v.) – to create new furniture, objects, etc. from old or used items or waste materials in a way that makes it more valuable than before

    The artist upcycled old wooden doors into a garden bench.

  4. additive / ˈæd ɪ tɪv / (n.) – small amounts of a substance that is added to something to improve it and make it last longer

    Some food items are not allowed in certain countries because they are believed to contain harmful additives.

  5. degrade / dɪˈgreɪd / (v.) – (of an object) to be changed from a complex form to a simpler one

    The park’s wooden benches degraded due to many years of being exposed to sunlight, rain, and wind.


Read the text below.

On the coastal island of Lamu, off Kenya’s east coast, workers are turning plastic waste into furniture, even boats.

Lamu is contending with mounds of plastic waste—some washed up on its beaches, others created by its own population.

“We are collecting the waste plastic around Lamu archipelago, and we process those ones to make boats, furniture, and also doing a lot of research on what we can do with the plastic,” explains Ali Skanda, co-founder of the Flipflopi Project, an NGO founded in 2016.

The Flipflopi Project receives grants from other NGOs which they then use to buy plastic waste from locals.

After it arrives at their facility, workers sort it into different types and colors. It’s then crushed, washed, dried, melted, then molded into different colors, shapes and sizes.

“After pre-sorting, we have our sorters, and they categorize into different types and colors. So, they keep plastic into types and colors, separately,” explains Skanda.

From there, plastic waste is upcycled into furniture and dhow boats. But Skanda says recycling also comes with challenges.

He says nowadays, plastic manufacturers are adding additives to plastics, which makes it more difficult to recycle. Elsewhere, some plastics may be degraded by the sun and lose quality.

Since 2019, the NGO has been sailing Flipflopi, claimed to be the world’s first recycled plastic sailing dhow. They’ve gone on expeditions, including sailing from the Indian Ocean to Lake Victoria, and have launched a further two boats made using recycled plastic waste.

“We are doing this just for the world to understand that plastic is not waste,” says Skanda. “We can add value and make something like furniture, things like this. And more others, we are making dhows.”

Each day, the equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the world’s oceans, rivers and lakes, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

People are increasingly breathing, eating and drinking tiny plastic particles. Plastic production continues to ramp up globally and is projected to double or triple by 2050 if nothing changes. 

This article was provided by The Associated Press. 

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • Flipflopi is claimed to be the world’s first recycled plastic sailing dhow. Do you think using recycled plastic for vehicles like boats is a good idea? Why or why not? Would you feel safe traveling long distances on a vehicle made from recycled plastic? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • In Kenya, plastic waste is being turned into furniture and dhow boats like Flipflopi. In your opinion, how should plastic waste be upcycled? Do you think upcycled plastic products are safe for use? Why or why not? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • The people in Lamu are taking responsibility for the plastic waste they create by collecting their plastic waste and recycling it to make boats and furniture. Why do you think it’s important for people to work together and be responsible to solve problems like plastic waste? How do you think this would affect the world’s plastic waste problem? Discuss.
  • What are the recycling programs or initiatives in your area that you’re aware of? How effective do you think they are? What organizations in your country can help people in your community solve the plastic waste problem? Discuss.