A Southern California school plants a ‘Moon Tree’ grown with seeds flown in space

Category: Education/Family



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. out of this world / aʊt ʌv ðɪs wɜrld / (idiom) – extremely good, amazing, or extraordinary that it is too good for this world

    The special effects in the movie were out of this world, making the action scenes feel incredibly realistic.

  2. wheel / wil / (v.) – to move something that has wheels, such as a cart, bike, or suitcase

    The nurse wheeled the hospital bed into the operating room.

  3. span / spæn / (v.) – to include or cover a large area or space, a big number of objects, a period of time, etc.

    Her career, spanning over three decades, has seen many achievements.

  4. propulsion / prəˈpʌl ʃən / (n.) – the force that moves or pushes something forward

    The spaceship uses powerful engines for propulsion to leave Earth’s atmosphere.

  5. unmanned / ˌʌnˈmænd / (adj.) – (of a spaceship or vehicle) without a person managing or operating it

    The company designed an unmanned vehicle that can deliver supplies to faraway places.


Read the text below.

To cheers and applause from kids wearing spacesuits and star-studded T-shirts, a tree was planted in California that is out of this world.

The so-called “Moon Tree”—grown with seeds that were flown around the moon—was wheeled out in a wagon accompanied by several students carrying shovels to help dig its new home at Santiago STEAM Magnet Elementary School in Lake Forest.

The school, which has roughly 500 students in grades K-12, was among those selected to receive a seedling for a giant sequoia that was grown with seeds flown on NASA’s Artemis I Mission in 2022.

“It’s kind of crazy,” said Emily Aguesse, a sixth grader who participated in the ceremony welcoming the tree. “I’ve always wanted to go to space but this motivates it even more.” 

It’s the second time that NASA has flown seeds into space and brought them back for planting. An astronaut for the Apollo 14 mission in 1971 who was a former U.S. Forest Service smokejumper carried seeds that later were grown into the first generation of Moon Trees, which were planted in states spanning from Alabama to Washington.

While many of those seedlings were distributed to national monuments, this latest batch has been given to schools and museums to promote science and conservation education and help bring space down to Earth, said Paul Propster, chief story architect for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

“It’s just kind of cool and fun to connect the next generation of explorers,” Propster said.

It isn’t known whether space travel has an effect on how plants grow and scientists continue to study the topic, he said.

In 2022, NASA and the Forest Service flew nearly 2,000 seeds from five species of trees aboard the unmanned Orion spacecraft, which went into lunar orbit and spent about four weeks traveling in space.

Once back on Earth, the seeds were grown into young sycamores, sweetgums, Douglas firs, loblolly pines and giant sequoias that could be shared with the public through an application process.

Nearly 150 seedlings were distributed earlier in the year, and another batch is expected this fall, NASA officials said.

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • The school selected students to join the “Moon Tree” planting activity. What do you think about students participating in tree-planting activities at school? Do you think students learn more when they are personally or directly involved in activities? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • If you were still a student, what school activities would you like to join? How do you think these activities could motivate you to study and learn more about certain topics? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • NASA gave seedlings to schools and museums to promote science and conservation education. How important is it for organizations like NASA to work with schools to promote learning? How do you think being involved in NASA’s project can change a student’s ideas on science and technology? Discuss.
  • Do organizations in your country partner with schools too? What organizations do you think should work more with schools? What makes you say so? Discuss.