Japan plans automated cargo transport system to relieve shortage of drivers and cut emissions

Category: Technology/Innovations



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. automated / ˈɔ təˌmeɪ tɪd / (adj.) – designed to be operated or performed by machines or computers instead of people

    The factory speeds up production through the new automated system.

  2. conveyor belt / kənˈveɪ ər bɛlt / (n.) – a device that has a long moving strip of material that carries items from one place to another

    The factory uses a conveyor belt to move products from one station to another quickly.

  3. infrastructure / ˈɪn frəˌstrʌk tʃər / (n.) – the basic systems and structures that a country or organization needs to work or operate properly

    The city invested heavily in its infrastructure, building new roads, bridges, and public transit systems.

  4. run on (something) / ˈrʌn ˌɒn / (phrasal v.) – to use a specific type of power supply or source to work or function

    The whole factory is running on solar power, making it environmentally friendly.

  5. forklift / ˈfɔrkˌlɪft / (n.) – a small vehicle with a piece of equipment in front that is used for lifting and moving heavy objects

    The new factory worker is learning how to drive a forklift.


Read the text below.

Japan is planning to build an automated cargo transport corridor between Tokyo and Osaka, dubbed a “conveyor belt road” by the government, to make up for a shortage of truck drivers. The amount of funding for the project is not yet set. But it’s seen as one key way to help the country cope with soaring deliveries.

A computer graphics video made by the government shows big, wheeled boxes moving along a three-lane corridor, also called an “auto flow road,” in the middle of a big highway. A trial system is due to start test runs in 2027 or early 2028, aiming for full operations by the mid-2030s.

“We need to be innovative with the way we approach roads,” said Yuri Endo, a senior deputy director overseeing the effort at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

Apart from making up for a shrinking labor force and the need to reduce workloads for drivers, the system also will help cut carbon emissions, she said.

“The key concept of the auto flow-road is to create dedicated spaces within the road network for logistics, utilizing a 24-hour automated and unmanned transportation system,” Endo said.

The plan may sound like a solution that would only work in relatively low-crime, densely populated societies like Japan, not sprawling nations like the U.S. But similar ideas are being considered in Switzerland and Great Britain. The plan in Switzerland involves an underground pathway, while the one being planned in London will be a fully automated system running on low-cost linear motors.

In Japan, loading will be automated, using forklifts, and coordinated with airports, railways and ports.

The boxes measure 180 centimeters in height, or nearly six feet, and are 110 centimeters, or 3.6 feet, by 110 centimeters in width and length, about the size of a big closet.

The system, which is also intended for business deliveries, may be expanded to other routes if all goes well. Human drivers may still have to do last-mile deliveries to people’s doors, although driverless technology may be used in the future.

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • Cargo transportation is important for many industries. What do you think about the automated cargo transport system? How would this affect industries in your country? Discuss.
  • Does your community need an automated cargo system? Why or why not? If something should be automated in your community, what would it be? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • Building the automated transport corridor will include road changes as it will run in the middle of the highway. How do you feel about making highway changes just to have an automated transport corridor? Do you think people would like the idea of changes that would happen to roads? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • What should the government do to ensure that the changes to be done on the highways are understood and supported by the public? Discuss.