Snack judgment: Spanish court slaps supermarket that fired a worker for eating a croquette

Category: Business


Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. uphold / ʌpˈhoʊld / (v.) – to decide or confirm that a decision, rule, or law is correct and should stay the same

    The teacher upheld the school rules by enforcing strict discipline in class.

  2. unlawfully / ʌnˈlɔ fəl i / (adv.) – in a way that is not allowed by the law or rules

    The court ruled that the company had unlawfully fired employees without giving them proper notice.

  3. snarf / snɑrf / (v.) – to eat or drink something very quickly

    He was so hungry that he snarfed down his sandwich in just a few seconds.

  4. prohibit / proʊˈhɪb ɪt / (v.) – not allowed by rules or authority

    Employees are prohibited from using their phones during the meeting to avoid distractions.

  5. snack / snæk / (v.) – to eat a small amount of food between regular meals

    I usually snack on fruit in the afternoon.


Read the text below.

A Spanish court has upheld a ruling that a supermarket worker was unlawfully fired for having eaten a croquette that was going to be thrown away after not having been sold from the store’s deli section.

The worker was fired in July 2023 after he had snarfed down the fried snack, which was destined for the trash after the store had closed for the day.

In a verdict that The Associated Press saw in November, the Superior Court of Castilla-La Mancha recently rejected an appeal by the supermarket chain Mercadona of a decision by a lower court in May 2024 in favor of the worker.

The company’s policy is that workers are prohibited from consuming any product found in the store without having paid for it previously.

But the superior court found that it was common practice for workers to snack on “ready-to-eat” food products that were going to be thrown away after closing hours. In its ruling, it also insisted in “the important detail that the worker didn’t eat an entire package of croquettes, but instead one single croquette” that was “not going to be put back on sale the following day.”

The lower court ruling in May determined that the worker be reinstated to his job and that the supermarket chain pay him 39,700 euros ($41,800) in lost wages. The higher court has now added that Mercadona also must pay the worker 600 euros ($633) for his legal fees.

Mercadona did not immediately respond to an email from the AP asking for comment on the case.

The court documents didn’t indicate the flavor of the croquette, which in Spain is a popular food typically made from ham, chicken, or cod.

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • Do you think it’s fair for the supermarket employee to lose his/her job over eating a food item that would be thrown away? Why or why not? In your opinion, should employees working in the food industry be allowed to take or eat food that is about to be thrown away? Why do you think so? Discuss.
  • The worker ate just one croquette. Do you think small actions like this should matter in the workplace? Why? How do you think this action affects the company? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • How do you think workplace culture influences rules? Do you think some rules should be changed to match the way people work in a certain environment, or should all rules stay the same for everyone? Why? Discuss.
  • How do you think strict workplace policies affect the behavior of employees? What are the benefits and drawbacks of enforcing strict rules in a job (ex. benefit: it promotes professionalism, drawback: it may reduce job creativity)? Discuss.