Unlocking Word Meanings
Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.
- resin / ˈrɛz ɪn / (n.) – a sticky material produced by some trees and plants, used in making plastics
Example:The worker used resin to fix the broken chair leg.
- mascot / ˈmæs kɒt / (n.) – a character, animal, or thing that represents a group and is thought to bring good fortune
Example:The company chose a panda as its mascot to promote environmental awareness.
- diplomacy / dɪˈploʊ mə si / (n.) – the activity or skill of managing international relations or dealing with people in a sensitive and effective way
Example:Successful diplomacy helped the two countries avoid conflict.
- upbeat / ˈʌpˌbit / (adj.) – positive, cheerful, and hopeful
Example:The project’s success made everyone feel upbeat.
- capitalize on (something) / ˈkæp ɪ tlˌaɪz ɒn / (phrasal v.) – to make use of a situation to one’s advantage or benefit
Example:The celebrity capitalized on her popularity to sell her own makeup brand.
Read the text below.
Thousands of giant panda sculptures greeted residents and tourists in December 2024 in Hong Kong, where enthusiasm for the bears has grown since two cubs were born in a local theme park.
The 2,500 exhibits were showcased in a launch ceremony of PANDA GO! FEST HK, the city’s largest panda-themed exhibition, at Hong Kong’s airport in December. They were publicly displayed at the Avenue of Stars in Tsim Sha Tsui, a popular shopping district, before setting their footprint at three other locations a few months ago.
One designated spot is Ocean Park, home to the twin cubs, their parents and two other pandas gifted by Beijing in 2024. The design of six of the sculptures, made of recycled rubber barrels and resins among other materials, was inspired by these bears.
The cubs—whose birth in August 2024 made their mother Ying Ying the world’s oldest first-time panda mom—may meet visitors in February.
The displays reflect Hong Kong’s use of pandas to boost its economy as the Chinese financial hub works to regain its position as one of Asia’s top tourism destinations.
Pandas are considered China’s unofficial national mascot. The country’s giant panda loan program with overseas zoos has long been seen as a tool of Beijing’s soft-power diplomacy.
Hong Kong’s tourism industry representatives are upbeat about the potential impact of housing six pandas, hoping to boost visitor numbers even though caring for pandas in captivity is expensive. Officials have encouraged businesses to capitalize on the popularity of the bears to seize opportunities in what some lawmakers have dubbed the “panda economy.”
The organizer of the exhibitions also invited some renowned figures, including musician Pharrell Williams, to create special-edition panda designs. Most of these special sculptures will be auctioned online for charity and the proceeds will be donated to Ocean Park to support giant panda conservation efforts.
This article was provided by The Associated Press.
Viewpoint Discussion
Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.
Discussion A
- Pandas help create economic opportunities, so some lawmakers are calling it “panda economy.” Do you think lawmakers should name their local economy after an animal? Why or why not? How can associating an economy with an animal affect how the world views the area? Discuss.
- How do you feel about using animals, like the panda, to boost the economy and tourism? Is depending only on one animal or symbol an effective strategy for long-term economic development? Why or why not? Discuss.
Discussion B
- Pandas are often seen as the unofficial national mascot of China. Why do you think pandas are seen as the unofficial mascot of China? Do you think every country should have an official national mascot? Why or why not? Discuss.
- What role do national mascots play in helping people feel proud of their country? If you could choose a national mascot for your country, what would it be? Why? Discuss.