Luxury AI-powered hotel promises to be the future of hospitality

Category: Human Interest



Unlocking Word Meanings

Read the following words/expressions found in today’s article.

  1. showcase / ˈʃoʊˌkeɪs / (v.) – to show something in a way that makes people notice it, showing its best parts or qualities

    The new phone commercial showcased the product’s unique camera features and modern design.

  2. dynamically / daɪˈnæm ɪ kəl i / (adv.) – in a way that is always changing or developing along with the situation

    Modern businesses must operate dynamically to keep up with market changes.

  3. housekeeping / ˈhaʊsˌki pɪŋ / (n.) – the act or service of cleaning and taking care of rooms in a building, such as a hotel or office

    Many luxury hotels offer 24-hour housekeeping services for their guests.

  4. concierge / ˌkɒn siˈɛərʒ / (n.) – a person in a hotel or building who helps guests by giving information or arranging services

    The concierge helped us book a taxi to the airport.

  5. luxurious / lʌgˈʒʊər i əs / (adj.) – describing something that is very comfortable, expensive, and of high quality

    The hotel offers luxurious rooms with huge beds and a private pool.


Read the text below.

In Las Vegas, a new type of hotel experience was on show. The Otonomus Hotel, showcased at CES 2025, was described by its developers as the world’s first fully AI-powered hotel.

Philippe Ziade, the CEO of the Otonomus Hotel, says, “We like to call it a hotel with the brain. It’s actually the first true AI-powered hotel, and the objective of this is to provide a product that does not exist today on the market. And if it does, it doesn’t exist at that level.”

Ziade says, “We don’t use AI to dazzle you with gadgets. We use it for something far more powerful, which is personalization. It’s an AI-driven, personalized guest experience. We want you to build piece by piece the stay the way you like it.”

The check-in process is entirely digital. Guests use their mobile devices to upload identification and verify their identity before gaining access to their rooms. Guests arrive at their rooms by scanning a QR code through the Otonomus app.

The system adapts room configurations inside the hotel’s building dynamically. For example, a six-bedroom suite is created by unlocking specific connecting doors. The hotel’s flexibility extends to smaller configurations too.

Guests can take full control of other services once checked in, including housekeeping and in-room amenities, through digital panels and an AI assistant called ‘eButler.’ The eButler service facilitates the secure and efficient delivery of items to guests.

Ziade explains, “If you want additional towels, if you order food, whatever you need, toothbrush, you just can tell your virtual assistant, please, I need two more towels.” Items are delivered through a two-way cabinet system, ensuring security and convenience.

“We want to give the guest the control and the flexibility to build their own experience, but also to lower the base price and allow more people to be able to travel,” says Ziade.

Taking away the need for an in-person concierge, but retaining the personalized detail needed for a luxurious stay, the makers of this hotel concept are optimistic this is the future of hospitality with AI playing a central role.

This article was provided by The Associated Press.

Viewpoint Discussion

Enjoy a discussion with your tutor.

Discussion A

  • Do you think AI can truly personalize experiences in a hotel, or would you prefer human interaction for a more personal touch like having a concierge? Why? What would your personalized hotel experience look like (ex. smooth and easy check-in process, personalized food and activity recommendations)? Discuss.
  • Do you think giving guests total control over their hotel experience is a positive change? Why or why not? What do you think are the possible downsides of guests having complete control over their hotel experience? Discuss.

Discussion B

  • The makers of the Otonomus Hotel concept are optimistic this is the future of hospitality with AI playing a central role. Do you think this shift away from traditional hotel staff is a good thing for the hospitality industry? Why or why not? Do you agree that AI is the future of the hospitality industry? Why do you say so? Discuss.
  • What aspects of your hotel experience do you enjoy the most? How do you think they might change if hotels were fully powered by AI? Discuss.