Category: Business
A jury sat solemnly in a gilded hall in central London, presided over by a bewigged representative of the crown in flowing black robes, but there…
Amazon has agreed to pay nearly $4 million to settle charges that the e-commerce company subsidized its labor costs by taking tips its delivery drivers received f…
In Denmark, most seasons have a bread or cake associated with them, but no other season's cakes have as much hype around them as those baked to mark the carnival tradition Fas…
Thames Water, which serves 16 million customers in and around London, is seeking court approval for up to 3 billion pounds ($3.7 billion) of emergency funding to prevent the
Huge U.S. technology companies that soared amid an artificial intelligence frenzy last year are getting pummeled after a little-talked-about Chinese startup demonstrated a chatbot…
Skyscraper-studded Dubai has been on a hot streak for the last five years—and some residents are starting to feel burned.
The city-state has seen record-breaking real estate tr…
Starbucks's decision to restrict its restrooms to paying customers has flushed out a wider problem: a patchwork of restroom poli…
Billionaires’ wealth grew three times faster in 2024 than the year before, while the number of the world’s poor has barely changed over the last quarter-century, a top anti-povert…
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sued PepsiCo in January, alleging that it has engaged in illegal price discrimination by giving unfair price advantages to one large retailer
A privately owned development outside the Kenyan capital is attracting residents and businesses with its strict rules and modern infrastructure.
Turn into Tatu City on the outs…