Where now for the Afghan refugees?

When the U.S. withdrew its military from Afghanistan, it tried to evacuate as many American and Afghan civilians as it could — more than 123,000, by one count. Where will they go?…

Focus apps

Many people worry that smartphones are taking over our lives. They stop us from focusing on more important things. One answer is to use a simple phone; we looked at that in the…

Best friends on Earth, reunited in heaven

You never know when the best friend you could ever hope to have will suddenly appear in your life and change it forever. That was what happened to Ohio Sheriff Dan McClelland when…

Views and Visions: Group buys Part 2

Continued from Part 1… A lot of trust is involved since Audrey pays for everyone first. Also, her neighbours collect the eggs on their own. So far, no…

Views and Visions: Group buys Part 1

Once every fortnight, my friend Audrey has at least a few hundred eggs delivered to her doorstep. They sit neatly in trays, arranged according to weight and type.…