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FIFA teamed up with the World Health Organization (WHO) for a campaign to educate the soccer industry about the risks of concussion injuries.
The scene at Kebap With Attitude in Berlin’s trendy Mitte neighborhood is typical of any street-side stand or restaurant where cooks pile the ingredients into pita bread to create…
The head brewmaster for Weihenstephan, the world's oldest brewery, has a secret: He really likes alcohol-free beer.
Even though he's quick to say he obviously …
As one of the world’s most popular takeaway snacks, billions of packets of crisps are consumed every year, with most of them unable to be recycled and ending up in landfill.
A group of youngsters from a community in Kiambu, Kenya is experiencing the world of VR headsets for the first time.
Gathered in their village hall, it’s clear many of them don…
Starbucks’s new chairman and CEO said that he plans to focus on improving service—particularly during the morning rush—and reestablishing stores as gathering plac…
At the center of the circle is Eiko Araki, a master of the Sanuki Kagari Temari, a Japanese traditional craft passed down for more than 1,000 years on the southwe…
Germany's first hobby horsing championship got underway in Frankfurt, with hundreds of young riders competing in time jumping, style jumping and …
Rust-colored piles of mine waste and sun-bleached wooden derricks loom above the historic Colorado mountain town of Leadville—a legacy of gold and silver mines po…
Visitors to Tokyo and Kyoto might not realize it, but Osaka—one of Japan's biggest and oldest cities, known more as a business hub than a tourist destination—is gearing up to host…