[Bookshelves at public library]
Nicki Jones (interview): “As a kid, I’ve always had a love for the library. My mother would take us on the bus and during the summertime and pick out books to read. It was a pastime, the library system. And so, you know, it’s always been dear to me.”
[Weights being lifted from floor]
[Exercise class]
Nicki Jones (interview): “And then when I started my fitness business to be able to come around full circle and service the community with fitness programs in the public library, you know, something kind of unheard of when we really started. I don’t know. It just, it feels great. I love serving my community.”
[Person lifting weights and squatting]
[Multiple people holding weights, squatting, and moving]
Nicki Jones (interview): “Because we are in nontraditional spaces where you mostly wouldn’t see a fitness class, you know, for people to be able to come in and take the class for free is is amazing.”
[People moving their arms and stretching]
[Class attendees and fitness instructor holding weights]
Jamie Placht (interview): “The overall goal is to first and foremost create healthier communities.”
[Person sticking hand in blood pressure machine]
Jamie Placht (interview): “You know we’re an institution of access. Anyone can walk into our libraries and receive services.”
[Blood pressure reading printing]
Jamie Placht (interview): “Libraries for the Heart is our partnership with the American Heart Association. What we’ve done with them is we’ve put blood pressure machines in all of our branch locations because, you know, they call high blood pressure the silent killer, because a lot of people don’t know until it’s too late.”
[Various information signs and booklets about measuring blood pressure]
Jamie Placht (interview): “I’m always saying this, but I think we’re the perfect partner for public health institutions or health in general, just because, you know, we have the demographic or the people that they want to serve and that, quite frankly, just need their services.”
[Various people doing squats and leg lifts]
Nicki Jones (interview): “That’s the beauty of being in the public library and being in the community. You know, the library system has always been one that meets the needs of a community.”
[People rotating arms]
[People completing weigh reps and squats]
This script was provided by The Associated Press.