High Beginner
Hobbies and Interests: Fashion



Have a conversation with your tutor using the questions below as starting points. It's okay not to do all 10 questions. Go where the conversation takes you!

  • Do you think you’re fashionable?

  • Who’s the most fashionable person you know?

  • How often do you buy new clothes?

  • What do you consider when you buy new clothes (ex. price, trends)?

  • Do you spend a lot of time choosing your clothes in the morning?

  • Do you like to wear a lot of accessories?

  • Do you prefer fast fashion or expensive brands?

  • What kind of clothes do you like to wear (ex. colorful clothes, polo shirts)?

  • How do you feel about vintage clothes?

  • How do you feel about traditional clothes (ex. kimonos, hakama)?