In recent years, a large number of parents in the US have moved away from strict parenting in favor of softer approaches. Many wonder how these new approaches will work out, but it’s too soon to tell.

Go over the first two expressions with your tutor and answer the questions. Then, guess the meaning of the third expression based on the clues provided.
1. A helicopter parent is a parent who is excessively involved in his/her child’s life.
Did you hear that Amanda’s mom called her college to try to arrange her class schedule for her? Amanda is 19!
Yikes! No wonder Amanda calls her a helicopter parent.
Q: Which picture do you think shows helicopter parents? Why?
A |
2. The term a special snowflake is used to describe someone who is viewed as amazingly exceptional. It’s often sarcastically used by those who disagree with this view.
Can you believe Sarah’s mom asked the music teacher to give her all the solos in the next concert?
Yes, well, Sarah is a special snowflake. Apparently, no one can sing as well as her!
Q: Which picture shows a parent who thinks his/her child is a special snowflake? Why?
A |
B |
3. .
John asked for a $40,000 sports car for his 16th birthday, and his parents bought him one! Then he complained that it was the wrong color and refused to drive it!
What a spoiled brat!
Q: What do you think a spoiled brat means?
Sometimes you want to be straightforward with someone.
I’m glad you were finally able to meet Jordan last night. What did you think of him?
I know he’s your friend, but frankly speaking, I find him arrogant. He bragged to me about his job the whole night! Ugh.
Steph and Kana just dropped off their kids at school and are now having coffee together in a coffee shop in Connecticut.
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- Steph:
I’m really happy that we could meet up today. It’s been too long! I’ve missed chatting with you!
- Kana:
Me too! So, what’s new with you?
- Steph:
Well, I’m a bit worried about Aidan.
- Kana:
Oh, really? Why? What happened?
- Steph:
He’s being bullied at school by another boy named Ryan. He forces Aidan to do silly things and steals his food at lunch.
- Kana:
I think I know that kid! My son told me that he likes scaring all the other students. Apparently, his mom never says no to him, so he thinks he can take what he wants from the other kids as well.
- Steph:
What a spoiled brat! Why doesn’t he get in trouble?
- Kana:
I heard that he does, but his mom always comes and defends him. Actually, one time I saw her trying to convince a teacher to give Ryan a better grade on a test that he failed.
- Steph:
Ugh, I can’t stand helicopter parents.
- Kana:
Me neither. Frankly speaking, I think she’s hurting him. She thinks he’s a special snowflake who only misbehaves because he’s too smart for the lessons. She says he bullies the other kids because he’s bored, not because he’s mean. But whatever the reason, he needs to learn that bullying is bad!
- Steph:
Well, I guess it’s true that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
- Kana:
What do you mean?
- Steph:
Did you hear the news about that local politician who just got in trouble for bullying his aides? That’s Ryan’s dad!
The idiom the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree is used to say that a child has inherited similar traits from his/her parent. Other phrases that you can use are like father, like son and like mother, like daughter.

Are the underlined expressions used correctly? If not, change the sentences.

1. Chris thinks that her daughter is a special snowflake. She feels that her daughter is just as talented as all the other kids on the dance team.

2. Mica’s son is a spoiled brat. He always screams and cries until she buys him what he wants.

3. Sammy is a helicopter parent. She never involves herself in her daughter’s schoolwork.
Challenge 1
Your friend is an elementary school teacher. Recently, he/she has been having some trouble at work. Find out what’s wrong and give your friend some advice.
Today's Expressions
- a helicopter parent
- a special snowflake
- a spoiled brat
Speak Your Mind
- Frankly speaking, …
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Challenge 2
What do you think? What does your tutor think? Discuss.

I can talk about parenting styles.
Very GoodCould complete the task with ease
GoodCould complete the task with some clarifications
FairCould complete the task with additional instructions
PoorCould somehow complete the task with difficulty
the ability to use a wide variety of vocabulary - ACCURACY
the ability to speak correctly - FLUENCY
the ability to speak smoothly without pauses or fillers - INTERACTION
the ability to manage a conversation