I can make the G sound and the K sound.
Kevin’s bag looks like an egg.
Sound Profile


slightly open ➡ openやや開ける➡開ける

the back of the tongue touching the far back of the mouth (on top) ➡ dropped down舌の奥を上あごの奥の方に当てる➡下げる

neutral ➡ slightly down元の位置➡やや引く
Slightly open your mouth.ややくちを開けましょう。
Press the back of your tongue up against the far back of your mouth.舌の奥を上あごの奥の方に当てましょう。
Make a voiced sound. At the same time, drop your tongue and jaw down.音を出しましょう。同時に舌と顎を下げましょう。

Katakana Otoshiana
When English words ending with the G sound are written in katakana, a vowel sound is added after them.
dog ➡ doggu(ドッグ)
bag ➡baggu (バッグ)
mug ➡ magu kappu (マグカップ)
Be careful not to add the vowel sound in English!
dog ➡ doggu (ドッグ)
bag ➡baggu (バッグ)
mug ➡ magu kappu (マグカップ)


slightly open ➡ openやや開ける➡開ける

the back of the tongue touching the far back of the mouth (on top) ➡ dropped down 舌の奥を上あごの奥の方に当てる➡下げる

neutral ➡ slightly down元の位置➡やや引く
Slightly open your mouth.ややくちを開けましょう。
Press the back of your tongue up against the far back of your mouth.舌の奥を上あごの奥の方に当てましょう。
Exhale. At the same time, drop your tongue and jaw down.息を吐きましょう。同時に舌と顎を下げましょう。

Katakana Otoshiana
When English words ending with the K sound are written in katakana, a vowel sound is added after them.
quick ➡ kuikku (クイック)
magic ➡ majikku (マジック)
kick ➡ kikku (キック)
Be careful not to add the vowel sound in English!
quick ➡ kuikku (クイック)
magic ➡ majikku (マジック)
kick ➡ kikku (キック)
Slightly open your mouth.ややくちを開けましょう。
Press the back of your tongue up against the far back of your mouth.舌の奥を上あごの奥の方に当てましょう。
Make a voiced sound. At the same time, drop your tongue and jaw down.音を出しましょう。同時に舌と顎を下げましょう。
Slightly open your mouth.ややくちを開けましょう。
Press the back of your tongue up against the far back of your mouth.舌の奥を上あごの奥の方に当てましょう。
Exhale. At the same time, drop your tongue and jaw down.息を吐きましょう。同時に舌と顎を下げましょう。

Katakana Otoshiana
When English words ending with the G sound are written in katakana, a vowel sound is added after them.
dog ➡ doggu(ドッグ)
bag ➡baggu (バッグ)
mug ➡ magu kappu (マグカップ)
Be careful not to add the vowel sound in English!
dog ➡ doggu (ドッグ)
bag ➡baggu (バッグ)
mug ➡ magu kappu (マグカップ)

Katakana Otoshiana
When English words ending with the K sound are written in katakana, a vowel sound is added after them.
quick ➡ kuikku (クイック)
magic ➡ majikku (マジック)
kick ➡ kikku (キック)
Be careful not to add the vowel sound in English!
quick ➡ kuikku (クイック)
magic ➡ majikku (マジック)
kick ➡ kikku (キック)
- The big grey dog jumped over my bag.
- Gavin gave me a gift.
- Grace’s legs are long.
- Gabby got a great score on her geography test.
- I’ll give you some eggs, goat cheese, and grapes.
- Kate wanted a cup with a koala design.
- I was looking for my cat in the kitchen.
- Ken keeps his keys in his pockets.
- Kenny met the kind king in the castle.
- I like flying kites with Kevin.
/ɡ/ + /k/
- Kayla got a gold cap this Christmas.
- Kevin’s bag looks like an egg.
- Grace bought cookies at the Garden Café.
- Mom is cooking chicken legs in goat milk in the kitchen.
- Gabby’s cousin gave her a big kiss.
Student: | Hey, Gavin! I finally got the golden egg in the game! |
Tutor: | That’s great! How did you get it? |
Student: | The ghost at the big green gate gave it to me. |
Tutor: | Nice! I’ll go and get it later in the game. What does the golden egg give you? |
Student: | It gives you gold and lots of gifts! |
Student: | I can’t find a unique present for Kayla! |
Tutor: | Buy her a cupcake book! She likes cupcakes! |
Student: | Mica already bought her one. I want to buy her a new cup, but I can’t find one with cats on it! |
Tutor: | Hmm… The Kite Café on Corn Street sells cool cups. Maybe they have some cat cups. |
Student: | Oh, okay! I like that café! They sell really nice chocolate chip cookies too! |
/ɡ/ + /k/
Tutor: | I’m going to fly kites with Greg at the park tomorrow. Do you want to come with us? |
Student: | That sounds great! But I’m going to the zoo with Ken. We want to see the new koalas and king cobras. |
Tutor: | Oh, okay. Are you going to the Columbus Zoo in Kentucky? |
Student: | Yeah! I want to see the gorillas and the kangaroos there too. |
Kevin’s bag looks like an egg.
I can make the G sound and the K sound.
Gの音とKの音を発音できるようになる。SCORING RUBRIC
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
You were able to produce today’s sounds very smoothly and naturally. Very well done! 本日の音を問題なく自然に発音できました。素晴らしいです。 |
You were able to produce today’s sounds with minimal difficulty. できました。上出来です。 |
You were able to produce today’s sounds but struggled a lot. We recommend taking 手こずりました。もう一度レッスンを 受けましょう。 |
You were unable to produce today’s sounds. Please take the もう一度レッスンを受けてください。 |
発音が相手にとって聞き取りやすいか phoneme
Is your pronunciation easy for the other person to hear?