
Warm Up

Helpful Words and Phrases

Listen and repeat.

    • ex. We had to travel across a vast ocean to reach the island.
    • ex. The children tried to mimic the dance moves they saw on TV.
    • ex. He has an attachment to his old house because of all the good memories he had there.
    • ex. Sammy listens to music to help her cope with difficult situations.
    • ex. My job is to check computers for different vulnerabilities that reduce device security.


Read the article below and answer your tutor's questions.

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Paradot is a new AI app that claims to help users feel “cared for, understood, and loved.” Just like other AI chatbots, companion bots like Paradot use vast amounts of training data to mimic human language. But they also come with features, such as voice calls, picture exchanges, and more emotional interactions, to build deeper relationships with users.

Social isolation is now known as a public health concern around the world. And it is the main reason behind the rise of companion bots. Many users say they’ve developed emotional attachments to these bots. They are using the bots to cope with being lonely or find the comfort and support missing in their real-life relationships.

However, researchers have data privacy concerns about companion bot apps. They studied 11 romantic chatbot apps. The study showed that almost every app sells user data. The researchers are also concerned about security vulnerabilities and fake marketing practices, in which apps claim to help users with their mental health but later say they cannot. Some people are also worried that AI relationships may replace some human relationships.

This material was based on an article by The Associated Press.


Choose a topic and discuss the questions with your tutor.

Companion Bots

  • In your opinion, are companion bots beneficial or not? Why do you think so? Discuss.
  • Many users are using companion bots to cope with being lonely or find comfort and support. Would you use a companion bot? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Do you believe that developing emotional attachments to companion bots is a good thing? Why or why not? Discuss.

Human Relationships

  • Do you think AI relationships can really replace human relationships? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Some people are worried that AI relationships may replace some human relationships. Why do you think this is a concern? Discuss.
  • Social isolation is now known as a public health concern in many countries. Why do you think some people experience social isolation (ex. they don’t have any friends, they are busy at work)? Discuss.