
Warm Up

Helpful Words and Phrases

Listen and repeat.

    • ex. My dog had ticks, so we took it to the vet.
    • ex. A tick is a parasite that drinks the blood of animals and humans.
    • ex. The air feels wet and sticky when the weather is humid.
    • ex. The zoo has many exotic animals from faraway places.
  1. a repellent
    • ex. He brought insect repellent to keep bugs away.


Read the article below and answer your tutor's questions.

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Tick season is starting across the United States. And experts are warning people that there could be a lot of these parasites this year. Why? Ticks like warm, humid weather. And some studies say that the 2024 tick population will be the same as last year or larger following the mild weather that the country experienced previously.

Moreover, an increasing number of different kinds of ticks are reaching new areas. Some exotic types found in the southern part of the U.S. are now found in the northern parts as well. And they are bringing unusual diseases to humans and animals alike. Experts are most concerned about the blacklegged ticks found mainly in forests. This parasite can infect humans and animals with Lyme disease. According to health officials, about half a million infections of Lyme disease happen every year.

How can you protect yourself from ticks? Experts say people should avoid the wooded and grassy outdoors because ticks usually stay in those kinds of areas. If possible, wear light-colored clothes and use insect repellent for protection.

This material was based on an article by The Associated Press.


Choose a topic and discuss the questions with your tutor.


  • Tick season is starting across the United States. In your opinion, are ticks and the tick season a concern in your country too? Why do you say so? Discuss.
  • According to the article, an increasing number of different kinds of ticks are reaching new areas. Imagine that an exotic kind of tick reaches your country. What do you think would happen? Discuss.
  • In the U.S., experts are warning people about the tick season. In your opinion, is your government doing a good job of informing people about ticks and the tick season? Why do you say so? Discuss.

Lyme Disease

  • Lyme disease is an infection caused by bacteria from ticks. It causes fever, muscle aches, and headaches. What can you do to protect yourself against this disease? Discuss.
  • According to health officials, about half a million infections of Lyme disease happen every year. Are you concerned about this data? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Do you think the health department in your country is giving enough information about Lyme disease? Why do you say so? Discuss.