
Warm Up

Helpful Words and Phrases

Listen and repeat.

  1. establish
    • ex. Experts have established that adults need at least seven hours of good-quality sleep to avoid some health problems.
    • ex. Let's get started on our project so we can finish it on time.
  2. a routine
    • ex. His morning routine includes drinking a cup of tea.
    • ex. The weather got progressively colder as winter came.
  3. a contingency plan
    • ex. My manager always has a contingency plan for any situations that we might experience during the project.


Read the article below and answer your tutor's questions.

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Experts have established a long time ago that spending time in nature is beneficial for health. Meanwhile, exercise improves physical and mental well-being. According to Debbie Rhea, a professor from Texas Christian University, adults need to combine these two activities to stay healthy.

So, how do you get started with an outdoor routine? Connie Sciolino, a gym owner, advised starting with activities you enjoy. She said people should do progressively longer walks or bike rides. Then, slowly make it difficult to get stronger. However, Rhea warned against doing sports without proper preparation because it may cause injury.

What are the other tips for exercising outdoors? There’s no need for people to buy expensive equipment to exercise outdoors. In the United States, the National Recreation and Park Association said some parks have outdoor exercise equipment. Most of these parks also offer free group exercise classes.  And in case of bad weather, trainer Katie Higginbotham suggested having a contingency plan. For example, you should exercise at a place where there are trees to help protect you from too much rain. She also said having a regular exercise partner helps.

This material was based on an article by The Associated Press.


Choose a topic and discuss the questions with your tutor.

Exercise Routine

  • Do you have a regular exercise routine? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Which do you prefer, exercising outdoors or indoors? Discuss.
  • Trainer Katie Higginbotham said having a regular exercise partner helps. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Discuss.

Nature and Outdoor Parks

  • Experts have established a long time ago that spending time in nature is beneficial for health. How do you usually feel after spending time in nature? Discuss.
  • Some outdoor parks in the U.S. have exercise equipment. Why do you think outdoor parks place exercise equipment there? Discuss.
  • Some outdoor parks in the U.S. offer free group exercise classes. Imagine that there are such group classes in a nearby outdoor park. Would you join the class? Why or why not? Discuss.