
Warm Up

Helpful Words and Phrases

Listen and repeat.

    • ex. We cooked the soup in a big cauldron over the campfire.
    • ex. The fireworks show will dazzle you with its bright colors in the night sky.
    • ex. The stadium was full of excited spectators waiting to watch the football game.
    • ex. The students are petitioning the school to start a new club.
    • ex. Some people transferred to a temporary apartment after the flood.


Read the article below and answer your tutor's questions.

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The Olympics has several popular symbols. One of them is the Olympic cauldron. This year, the host city Paris made a special cauldron, one that flies. Its designer is Mathieu Lehanneur. The balloon, which carried the Olympic fire, was a big risk. Some of its parts, like the balloon or fire system, were tested individually because the cauldron balloon had to be kept as a secret. So when the 7-meter ring balloon cauldron first flew during the opening ceremony, it dazzled spectators.

“It’s the first flying cauldron,” Lehanneur explained. It symbolizes freedom, inspired by the ancient Greek Olympic fire ceremony. Lehanneur wanted to create a modern design that would dazzle spectators. Unlike in previous Olympics, the cauldron uses water and light, not fire, which is good for the environment.

After the ceremony, the cauldron became popular among tourists. Every night, people watch the cauldron fly above the Tuileries Gardens. During the day, thousands get free tickets to see it closely. Now, Parisians are petitioning to make the balloon stay in the city, just like the Eiffel Tower, which was at first a temporary structure. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo even said she wanted to keep the cauldron after the Games.


Choose a topic and discuss the questions with your tutor.

The Paris Olympic Cauldron

  • This year, Paris made a special Olympic cauldron that flies. What do you think of this unique idea? Discuss.
  • Unlike in previous Olympics, the Paris cauldron uses water and light, not fire. What do you think about this change? Discuss.
  • Imagine that you are designing the Olympic cauldron. How would you design it? Discuss.

The Flying Cauldron as an Attraction in Paris

  • Parisians are petitioning to make the balloon stay in the city. In your opinion, should the flying cauldron stay in the city? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Do you think the flying cauldron has enough impact on history and culture to become a permanent structure in Paris, similar to the Eiffel Tower? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Would you like a new attraction, like the Eiffel Tower or the flying cauldron, to be built in your city/town? Why or why not? Discuss.