
Warm Up

Helpful Words and Phrases

Listen and repeat.

  1. transform
    • ex. The man transformed the old wood into a beautiful table.
  2. mobile
    • ex. The mobile library visits our neighborhood every week.
    • ex. She moved from a busy city to a calm, rural home.
    • ex. There is still inequality in some places where men and women do not have the same rights.
    • ex. Mark has health insurance to help pay for doctor visits.


Read the article below and answer your tutor's questions.

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A passenger train called Phelophepa has been transformed into a mobile health facility. The train travels across South Africa to provide medical care to people who struggle to get the help they need. For the past 30 years, the train has carried doctors and nurses on an annual journey. It serves about 375,000 people each year and reaches even the most rural villages.

The situation of healthcare in South Africa shows the deep inequality in the country. Only 16% of South Africans have an insurance plan, while many others cannot afford it. In May, President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the National Health Insurance Act to help those without insurance get medical care. Millions may benefit from it. However, many worry that the government might have to raise taxes for this.

The Phelophepa is managed by a foundation that’s a part of the government railway company. It began as an eye clinic, but now it offers more healthcare services. But experts say the train is not enough to solve South Africa’s healthcare problems. The healthcare budget has increased greatly as compared to before. However, more improvements are still needed.

This material was based on an article by The Associated Press.


Choose a topic and discuss the questions with your tutor.

South African Healthcare

  • In your opinion, how can mobile health services like the Phelophepa train benefit people in their communities? Discuss.
  • The Phelophepa train reaches rural villages where healthcare is not easy to access. Why do you think it’s difficult to have access to healthcare in rural areas (ex. it’s far, lack of facilities)? Discuss.
  • The situation of healthcare in South Africa shows the deep inequality in the country. What do you think are some examples of inequality in healthcare (ex. poor people can’t afford it, health insurance is expensive)? Discuss.

Healthcare System

  • In your opinion, how does access to healthcare affect people’s lives (ex. people are unhealthy when healthcare is not accessible)? Discuss.
  • Are you satisfied with the healthcare system in your country? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Many South Africans can’t afford a health insurance plan. Do you think every person must have a health insurance plan? Why or why not? Discuss.