
Warm Up

Helpful Words and Phrases

Listen and repeat.

  1. a sentence
    • ex. The judge gave the thief a sentence of three months in prison.
    • ex. The security guard caught a shoplifter trying to steal clothes from the store.
  2. community service
    • ex. Instead of going to jail, he had to do 20 hours of community service for parking illegally.
    • ex. If a driver drives through a red light, they are breaking the law.
    • ex. Jessica forgot the words during her speech. It was a humiliating moment for her.


Read the article below and answer your tutor's questions.

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In Michigan, a judge has come up with a new sentence for shoplifters. Judge Jeffrey Clothier is requiring them to do community service by washing cars in a Walmart parking lot. He hopes this will stop people from stealing and help businesses that sometimes raise prices or even close stores because of theft. The car wash services will be free.

Judge Clothier said he doesn’t think that everyone who steals is a bad person. He believes that sometimes people are just having a hard time. However, there are consequences when you break the law. The judge began these “Walmart wash” sentences for people who steal items at a store in Grand Blanc Township, about 50 miles north of Detroit.

Around 75 to 100 people are expected to participate in this community service in March and April. Judge Clothier believes it could be humiliating for shoplifters to wash cars and have someone they know see them do it. But he hopes it will teach a lesson. Public officer David Leyton said the sentence is a unique idea, saying that if it stops just one person, it’s a success.

This material was based on an article by The Associated Press.


Choose a topic and discuss the questions with your tutor.

Shoplifters and Punishment

  • Do you believe that stealing small items from a store is a serious crime? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Judge Clothier believes that some shoplifters are just having a hard time, and that’s why they take items from stores. Do you agree with him? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • Imagine you are a judge. What types of punishments do you think are fair for shoplifters? Discuss.

Community Service

  • In your opinion, what types of community service are the most helpful to society (ex. cleaning up the city, feeding homeless people)? Discuss.
  • Do you think community service is necessary? Why or why not? Discuss.
  • In your country, how important is community service to most people (ex. many people take part in community service, community service is required for students)? Discuss.